View Full Version : Pre BC

04-29-2007, 06:10 PM
Am I the only one who misses pre BC?, I feel like BC took away everything that wow was for me. I don't know why really, i miss the old areas allot, i wish wow was back almost to the way it was in World of Roguecraft 2, thats about my favorite period in wow. Allot of older wow movies like WoRC, Niar's films, and the countless amout of ZOMGLOLBWLFULLCLEAR movies bring back the best feeling of nostalgia i can think of. Just my 2cents post if you agree, flame if you don't.

04-29-2007, 06:33 PM
Same here. I miss the 40-man raid vibe, the very first raid feeling, the very first Lucifron kill when this was so insanely special, the time when this warrior got Sulfuras almost world first on Daggerspine and the whole server was like 'WTF ORANGE?!?11' when it got linked.
I can go on and on., but things change.

Only good thing is that I can now finally play a Paladin on Horde side ^_^

04-30-2007, 05:02 AM
I have literally slacked. My two years of playing WoW has been horrid. I have unsuccessfully gotten to Lvl. 60 in two years so getting into the old content would be wonderful. It's depressing to me that I have had such bad or poor luck with the game. So my aspect is, Laxxors I am with you. I have never been anywhere important in the game so enjoying anything that was end-game would be fun.