View Full Version : Looking for Korean translators.

07-03-2007, 03:10 PM
With the recent updates and new features we are in need of some help with translating it. The translators will be awarded a free <a href="premonly.php">Premium membership</a>. The task will consist of translating a few phrases now and then to keep the Korean site up to date. You will have easy to use &quot;on site&quot; tools to achieve this.<br /><br />If you've got any spare time and want to help us translate Korean please e-mail <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> for further information. We are looking for about four translators to keep the workload to a minimum. <br><br><b>Read the full version of this news item on <a href="http://www.warcraftmovies.com/main.php#350">WarcraftMovies.com</a></b>