View Full Version : iHeart Ragnarok Online - Love this game!

06-13-2011, 12:39 AM
iHeart Ragnarok Online - a Promising server that you'll surely love!

We are glad to present you the young, but yet amazing server. Please, feel welcome to experience and enjoy this wonderful world with us. iHeart RO team works hard and we keep our eyes on everything, including game balance, stability, safety and beauty of this game for every member to enjoy. Join us now - iHeart RO!

Our priority is balance
We do customize this game, but we also carefully consider all the customizations we make.
Our methods are unique
If we add a script - our programmers write it themselves. If we add an item - our designer paints it.
We strive for player's interest
We clearly realize the special needs of Highmid-rate servers and explore every possibility to introduce life and joy to this game.
We Heart this RO.

-Rates 2000x/2000x/100x
-Maximum level 99/70
-Maximum stat 99
-Unique designer palettes and sprites
-Dedicated quest team
-Unique monsters tomb system
-Unique All Class Mounts sytem
-Professional GM Team
-Latest episode
-100% Server Availability

If you want to learn more about iHeartRo - please visit our website: http://www.iheart-ro.tk

Join us now - iHeartRo!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/252412_1749966913269_1361741765_31483465_3762010_n .jpg