View Full Version : New Movie: World #1 2v2 Druid/Hunter

01-11-2008, 01:40 PM
<p>Cherekee and Beasteh just released their first Arena movie, World #1 2v2 Druid/Hunter in the world (<a href="http://eu.wowarmory.com/team-info.xml?r=Talnivarr&amp;ts=2&amp;t=Rude+BoyZ&amp;select=Rude+ BoyZ">Rude BoyZ</a>), showing us several fights and what tactics they use against popular setups in the top 2v2 bracket!:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><div style="text-align: center"><a href="movieview.php?id=58495" title="First"><img src="pictures/58495.jpg" border="0" width="163" height="123" /></a></div><p>&nbsp;</p><p align="center">&nbsp;<a href="movieview.php?id=58495">World #1 2v2 Druid/Hunter</a></p><p align="left"><em>- Hope to see more movies from these two in the near future, thanks for sharing guys!</em> </p><br><br><b>Read the full version of this news item on <a href="http://www.warcraftmovies.com/main.php#718">WarcraftMovies.com</a></b>

01-11-2008, 05:45 PM
Hee hee, cherekee.

Figured out how to get inside the tyrs hand wall yet? :>

01-13-2008, 07:19 PM
Theese guys are incredible ^^