View Full Version : MMO reccomendation plz

01-12-2008, 02:18 AM

Im looking for a new MMO to play but I guess Ive become picky over the years. I played Everquest for about 4 years. WoW for a year and a half. Guild Wars for 10 hours....I was so bored. Ive gotten to the end levels of both WoW and EQ and thats where disappointment for me begins, and fun ends. I dont have time to raid or spend hours grouping in an instanced dungeon somewhere, nor do i want to spend the time too. But thats all that seemed was left, minus PvP which is fun for a little bit.

Basically i was wondering if theres anything out there thats fun soloing much like WoW is 1-70. But doesn't all the sudden force you to group with people constantly to continue playing.