View Full Version : Why no raptors! Why no Hunter Raids?

02-02-2008, 02:32 AM
Ok. Now, I have been to Youtube, I have gone to WorldofWarcraftmovies.com, and yet I do not see ANY movies on hunter's pet raptors. Perhaps it is because I'm not looking hard enough, I don't know. But, I would like to propose an idea or two.

1. Jurassic Park (half of you are going 'lame' right now, but listen) Jurassic Park was not famous for the T-rex or any other dinosaur, It's because of the raptors. If, per say, you had a few people in Un'goro Crater for whatever reason they came to that ungodly place, you could have like, 5 hunters cast eyes of the beast (Out of view would give best result.) And have them at some point in the movie, gather like they were actually planning, plotting, devising the downfall of their prey. Then, spread out, use tactics to lure them into a trap.....then devour them. Now, I have, and always will be, a lover of raptors. Please post or send me a PM about this idea.

2. The second thing isn't really an idea, it's more like an epiphany. Why are there so few raids of just hunters! I mean, think about it. What wouldn't be more scary then an army of animals storming into a village or town, with arrows firing and buildings burning!

These are a few of my ideas, and if you happen to know where I can find any videos like the ones I mentioned, please send me link! It would be greatly appreciated!
New idea on how idea 1 could be done. First, you use eyes of the beast with a raptor pet. Attract as many raptors in the area and start a little train going. Kinda looks like a pack of raptors wouldn't you say? Then, if you happen to find a player, lead them to it. But, make sure they are part of the movie, otherwise it would be griefing. (Either way it would still be fun to see)

02-05-2008, 03:30 AM
I hope this may become an idea thread. (If there is a place for those tell me, I'm still new.) About how we can use hunter pets of any kind to create an interesting movie. if you guys have ideas, please post them! And if you are planning on making a movie based on these ideas, please link them somewhere!

02-09-2008, 08:45 PM
The hunter raid idea sounds like it would not only be difficult to do, but find the right hunters to manage such a task.

Although I've always wanted to make a video featuring hunter pets as our main tanks for karazhan. I'm sure people would love to see our group running through karazhan clearing bosses, without any warriors/paladins/druid tanks - just good old fashioned hunter pets tanking the mobs for us :)