View Full Version : Participate in a survey about MMORPGs!

04-30-2008, 02:35 PM
MMORPGs is a growing phenomenon and a research team from Uppsala University, Sweden, is therefore conducting a study to investigate player types, different reasons for playing and other aspects of MMORPGs. The onlinesurvey is anonymous, in english, and takes about 12 minutes to complete. Your participation is crucial for the completion of this study, therefore we would greatly appreciate your taking part in our survey.

Our research team consist of Viktor Kaldo, clinical psychologist and PhD-student just finishing his thesis on Internet-based self-help treatment and David Hagström, psychology student, whose undergraduate thesis will be the framework for this project during spring 2008. Gunilla Bohlin, professor, will be supervising the study.

To take part in the study, click this link:


For further questions, email [email protected]

Many thanks in advance!
/David Hagström
Department of Psychology
Uppsala University