View Full Version : Comments and streaming

05-26-2008, 03:06 PM
Finding your comment
I don't know about you guys, but I usually try to write as constructive and well thought through as possible in my video comments, and I often go back to look if anyone has responded to what I wrote. My suggestion is to make some kind of small side-interface, making you able to click on a particular comment to get thrown into the correct page where the comment was written. This is used on www.fragbite.com, and a really great way to keep track of what you have written, where you wrote it and what replies that have been made.

"Jump" in streams
I actually have no idea if this is even possible with the current method of streaming used, but it really would be great if you were able to "jump" into not-yet-streamed parts of videos when using the WCM HQ Stream. This is for instance possible on YouTube, allthough that stream is a hundered times worse than the WCM one. :P
This whole idea is mostly for thoose who don't want to watch (or pause and wait for stream) through an endless RP intro. :P

That's all. Thanks for reading and thanks for a great site!