View Full Version : Cow or Jackson?

06-04-2008, 12:15 PM
Yeah hi. I've been wanting to make a druid but I cant decide between Cow (tauren) and Jackson (Nelf) druids... I am kinda a pvp person and ppl say cows are the best for feral... I want to see what u think.

Thanks for the replies.


08-11-2008, 04:15 AM
Base it on your own preferences.

The only honest differences are racials... Any druid I've teamed with are very very grateful for thier added HP and Warstomp ability (Tauren) regardless of spec.

Shadowmeld and the extra dodge is nice enough for being an annoying druid but you won't see too many druids of any type really claiming their racials as the game-winning feature of being a druid.

Don't forget Tauren are a lot easier to hit in caster form as proved by many movies, which is pretty horrible disadvantage but same applies, you'll most likely be in different forms for 90% of your druid-career so choose whatever you'd prefer in the long run.

08-18-2008, 06:06 PM
Don't go feral.