View Full Version : Finding Naxxramas music?

12-08-2006, 08:47 PM
Hey everyone, in the process of making a video in Naxx, though I want to use the deathknight music for a spot, but I can't seem to find it in the MPQ files. Any know if they are attainible?

12-08-2006, 10:53 PM
Most likely not. Blizzard has taken measures to prevent this all together.

12-09-2006, 09:34 AM
Damn, oh well, just have to try to see if i can get a clear recording one night, thanks anyways :).

12-09-2006, 05:06 PM
I know back before I knew about WinMPQ I used to just change the MPQ extension to MP3 and the file played like an mp3 because of couse there were mp3 files in there. That is the hard way to do it but it worked.

12-10-2006, 11:05 AM
What was changed regarding the MPQ files? I can still access and extract most of the files using the somewhat outdated MyWarcraftStudio0.88. There's a number of errors with models, but I haven't had any problem with sounds.

As for the Naxx music, I'm noticing the same thing as Ardeas: The Naxx Music folder is accessible, but there's no file clearly labeled for the Deathknight Wing-- Only Spider, Abom, Plague, Frostwyrm, and KT.

Have you tried listening to the more ambiguously titled tracks in there? NaxxramasHubBase# and NaxxramasWalking#. I don't turn on music in-game, nor really been into the DN wing at depth, so I couldn't say if those are the correct sounds.

12-24-2006, 07:27 AM
As for the Naxx music, I'm noticing the same thing as Ardeas: The Naxx Music folder is accessible, but there's no file clearly labeled for the Deathknight Wing-- Only Spider, Abom, Plague, Frostwyrm, and KT.

Have you tried listening to the more ambiguously titled tracks in there? NaxxramasHubBase# and NaxxramasWalking#. I don't turn on music in-game, nor really been into the DN wing at depth, so I couldn't say if those are the correct sounds.

Music folder? I haven't seen it in the MPQ files, all I can access is the sounds of NPC's and characters. How did you gain access to this folder?

12-24-2006, 10:09 AM
Navigate common.mpq to Music-> ZoneMusic-> Naxxramas (or whatever zone have you). I suggest you download the most recent version of MyWarcraftStudio: http://www.cnitblog.com/Files/linghuye/MyWarCraftStudio_0.9.5991.rar