View Full Version : Question about text/sounds effect

12-10-2006, 08:20 PM
Hello there,

I searched on the forums but didn't find an answer to my question.

I would like to know if it's possible to add sounds effect with Vegas 6.0.

Also, I would like to add effects on text.

I would like to add a cut noise and effect on the text (Maybe not the same but.. You see what I mean..) like you can find in this intro:


I found how to add effect on video but still can't figure how to add sounds effect and text effect.

12-10-2006, 08:37 PM
Hey Temarie,

I hope I got you right here... Adding effects to text works pretty much the same as on video. Just right click on the text and select "Media FX" or "Video Event FX" (not quite sure what the difference is^^). Then just select whatever plugin you want to use.

To add sound you simply drag a sound file from a folder into Vegas, then stick it wherever you want it.

Hope that helped,

12-10-2006, 09:32 PM
I'm gonna try for the text..

For the sound, I know how to add sounds, but I wanted to know if Vegas have some "premade" noise. I often hear the sound (The one in the video I linked.. When the rogue kills him at the beginning) and I was wondering where I can find it.

[Edit] I tried adding effects on the next. I guess I still need pratice.. I haven't seen any good results lol.