View Full Version : Try Shaiya

01-18-2009, 09:43 AM
If you like fantasy MMORPG and you are looking for a free one Shaiya is the game for you! In this game you can choose to join the Alliance of Light (Humans & Elves) or the Union of Fury (Vails & Deatheaters) and you can also choose between six characters with distinctive features. There are four different mode in this game: Easy, Normal, Hard and Ultimate; in Easy mode you can level up very quickly but you cannot progress over level 30, so I suggest to begin with Normal mode. To begin Hard mode you have to get level 40 with a Normal mode character: in this mode your character will be stronger but you’ll need more time to level up. Similarly Ultimate mode is available only if you already have a character at level 40 in Hard mode: in this mode the character is the strongest but who die in Ultimate mode will be deleted if not resurrected within 3 minutes. You can get more information and download the game (it is totally free!) here:
