View Full Version : Taco 5 first song name

02-26-2007, 04:19 AM
As topic says im looking for the first song in Taco's fifth movie, it sounds like Guano Apes to me but im not sure tho, thats why im coming here :)

Here's a link to the movie stream so you dont have to download whole thing:


02-26-2007, 03:43 PM
you are Correct but the first song doesn't have the lyrics. the songs are.

Apocolyptica - Path (that's for just background music No lyrics)

Apocolyptica Feat Sandra Nastic from Guano Apes - Path (has lyrics)

I'm guessing Guano Apes had a remix of the song...

Kinda long title for the lyric part of the song i'd just try puting in Guano Apes - Path

02-27-2007, 09:44 AM
They say in aftertexts which songs that are featured in the movie.

02-28-2007, 04:42 PM
Thnx kiahann i found it with your help :D

and godliest, i didnt notice that until you said so :S

Thnx anyway! :)

Your Welcome feel free to post if anything else comes up :top: