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Davelus 06-03-2010 03:19 PM

im getting lags while recording with fraps
hey guys,
first, im sorry for my bad englisch. im german and im trying to improve it..

the point why im posting a new thread is cause sometimes (!) im getting laggs while recording.

im recording bosskills in icecrown25 with 1080p30fps and my cpu is quite good enough for this resolution. my harddisk sucks. it's very old and slow.

so, that were just some general information about my system.
in many cases im recording really smoothy. constantly 30fps. but sometimes - it's quite rare - after some minutes of nice recording suddenly (!) the fps drops to 2 or 3 and then the game freezes for 3-4 seconds. the freezing repeats itself until i stop recording.

once i had an error lichking p2.

could it be that the lags/freezes got to do with my low harddisk or is it just a resulft of wrong settings/preferences?

Im thankful for every single answer, im really new to this topic.

greetings: Davelus

ps: it would be nice if you inform me about heavy grammar fails =P

AlexEgeskog 06-09-2010 01:56 PM

Are you saving the footage directly to C drive, D drive or external drive?

Davelus 06-14-2010 01:08 PM

Hi and thanks for your reply.

Windows is located at C:
WoW is located at C:
Fraps is located at C:
im saving directly to C:

so thats not the prob


AlexEgeskog 06-14-2010 01:14 PM

You could try to save it directly to D: drive, it has helped others before. Just fraps orgrimmar or whatever, and tell me how it went :)

Davelus 06-14-2010 01:53 PM

do you really think it would help? i had the experience that saving to another drive decreases the quality of recording a lot...furthermore my second drive is external and very slow... i don't know ... but i will try it, thanks for this idea :>

AlexEgeskog 06-15-2010 01:11 PM


Recording to an external wont help. I've tried that.

I'm not really sure what might cause the problem. You could try to re-install fraps, but I'm out of ideas :cry:

TDamnation 11-01-2010 12:15 PM

Hi, im new to this community :) I have problems with frapsing in fullsize with good fps aswell dispite getting a new HD. Anyway, it sounds alot like your harddisks "buffer" runs out after about 2-3 minutes. That means that you are recording in a quality where your harddisk cannot keep up with the constant video you are recording. The harddisk will be able to keep up for 2-3 minutes (the buffer) after which it cannot keep up anymore.
Did that come out right? :S
Anyway i think the main idea would be to get another harddisk atleast 7200 RPM (standard), so that you run the game on one, and your video recordings will be saved on the other.

Again im no expert so dont take this for expert and 100% sure knowledge :)

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