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Vandalist 02-20-2007 03:03 PM

Vote for movie of the month!
It's simple. Everyone gets one vote per month. They can go to any movie anytime during that month and cast their vote for that movie to be the Movie of the Month!

The Movie of the Month would be displayed for 3 days as the Movie of the Month or as a news post, however you want to do it, and the person who created that movie gets premium for lets say 3 or 6 months or whatever.

To Prevent Cheating:
Since people would probably make multiple accounts to get mutiple votes, simply make them meet Just ONE of the following requirements to get a vote on their account per month:

1) Have one or more movies uploaded + approved to
2) Have downloaded 10+ Movies and rated at least 5 of them.
3) Have downloaded 5+ Movies and have at least 25+ Forums posts.

or however you want to do it... But a movie of the month would be great.

====In The End...====
You could have a Movie of the Year, based on who's "Movie of the Month" Got the most votes out of the 12 movies that were selected.

just a random idea :P

kiahann 02-20-2007 04:20 PM

Sounds kind of cool but for the prevent cheating part...we could just use the fame that's there you must have at least 2 fame or higher.

godliest 02-20-2007 06:43 PM

Sounds nice. Take the option to not vote for your own movies too. The sad part is that the already famous guys would just get more famous from this as those like oxhorn who already has 2 lifetime premium would just get 6 month to his layer, sad... but they are the best. Well, that's how the world is.

Invent now! :P

Darkalus 02-21-2007 02:14 AM

Great idea!:)

Vandalist 02-21-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by godliest (Post 7093)
Sounds nice. Take the option to not vote for your own movies too. The sad part is that the already famous guys would just get more famous from this as those like oxhorn who already has 2 lifetime premium would just get 6 month to his layer, sad... but they are the best. Well, that's how the world is.

Invent now! :P

To prevent this, votes could only be cast on movies that have come out in the past 3 months. or something like that.

godliest 02-21-2007 06:31 PM

But what if u had released a movie 3 months ago? huh? oh, well, seems nice anyways.

Hentai 02-22-2007 09:45 AM

nice ideia :D

Gedan 02-23-2007 08:03 AM

nice idea, we'll look in to this :)

unska 02-23-2007 09:15 AM

I think the maximum age for the movie should be exactly one month, so no movie could get the title twice.

And the movie of the year would be voted every year from those 12 movies.

Vandalist 02-25-2007 03:58 PM

Yea that's what I said for the movie of the year, each of the movie's of the month are the 12 nominees. And you don't have to have a maximum age on a movie, but how about this.

To get your movie as the movie of the month: (ex like January)

1) Your movie must have been released on the website in January.
2) Your movie must make a minimum of 5,000 downloads.
3) Your move must not have a rating lower than 4.00.
4) At the end of the month, you can click a "Submit for Contest" button within 7 days after the end of the month, if your movie meets the requirements. After the 7 days are up (so like feb 7th), Everyone on will be able to vote for their favorite movie out of the ones listed (which is everyone who met the requirements and submit their movie for the contest)

Everyone who is able to vote, can vote within 3 days for their favorite movie. The polls will only be open for 3 days, and the movie with the top votes is the Movie of the Month.

Prize Suggestions:

First Place: The movie automatically becomes Recommended (if not already). Also the creator of the movie gets 6 months premium, and the title "Movie of ______ 2007" whatever month may fit, attached to the movie.

Second Place: The movie gets put in the spotlight for 3 days, and if within 500 votes of the first place movie, will also get Recommended (if not already.) 3 Months premium, and title "Runner up of _______ 2007" whatever month may fit, attached to the movie.

just more suggestions :P

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