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RaggokMDV 08-01-2007 12:17 AM

Add PvE, PVP, and Comedy toggles to your Spotlight section
You don't have enough slots there to give all the movies that pass through the proper exposure. My last movie went three days through the "just released" queue without making it into the spotlight. It's off the front page now which basically means it's dead as far as downloads go.

And what really irks me is that you had that Cheesewiz movie up there for more than a day, and quite frankly that movie is bad. Who makes these decisions? To me it seems that you put some movies in the spotlight just because the gear the person is wearing with little to no regard whether the movie is any good or not. I can understand being pushed aside for those truly unique and awesome movies.. but Cheesewiz? Have you guys looked at the ratings and comments on that?

OR, maybe it's just a problem with space. Totally understandable. IMO, you should try to be as fair as you can giving exposure to all the movies that come through. It seems to me that you can't do that with the current system of clumping every type of movie together. IMO, put toggle panels (like you have in your lists) for the "Today's Spotlight" section.

One for PvP, one for PvE, and one for Other (Comedy, Music, Storyline). Or whatever categories would best split things up a bit. People who look for PvP movies might not care much for Storyline movies. People who like PvE Boss videos might not care for PvP videos at all.

Please consider this. It will make your site more tailored to user interest and also more fair.

DlouBent 08-01-2007 07:50 PM

I 210% agree on that

RaggokMDV 08-02-2007 06:20 AM

Over the past two days there have been three movies in the "spotlight" that are rating worse than my movie. I'm not the only person in this position. A few 4.0+ movies have not been put in the spotlight while some questionable movies have been put in.

What is your criteria for putting a movie in the spotlight? Personal taste?

Dwârv 08-05-2007 04:29 PM

First of all, no mod can look into the future and therefor know about the upcoming rating. So I think, yeah, sure they have to decide by personal taste.
When " I'm a shame" was in the spotlight, I honestly was mildly puzzled, but the reason for this was to give the viewers this "WTF?"-feeling, as a mod said during the discussion that came up on this.
But truly, I too find myself wondering from time to time, why movie "x" makes it into the spotlight and movie "y" does not.
This is just part of the thing. You need a little luck, too, I think, when you submit your movie, that a mod with the "right" taste will watch it.



RaggokMDV 08-05-2007 11:48 PM

A mod's "taste" (or personal bias*) should be the last thing considered when deciding when to put a movie in the spotlight. I see a bunch of crappy movies make it there just because they are gladiator-rated, even if they make numerous mistakes in their *SOLO* movie. Arena PvP and Solo PvP are NOT the same thing. Just because someone does well in the arena doesn't mean they are going to make a good solo movie. In fact, it's a little harder for them because a good movie needs to show people fighting others with equivalent or better gear. Most of these "featured" movies are of people mowing down people in much worse gear.

Currently up on the block is a Gladiator mage who BLINKS OUT OF CHARGE and doesn't understand why that is bad.


* Having more spotlight slots available reduces the amount of personal bias

Terwilliger 08-07-2007 09:20 AM

Erm, I'm not sure mods choose what movies are in the spotlight, I think its done automatically based off of a few specifications. I could be wrong.

btw: You can always PM a moderator and ask them to be put in the spotlight, usually if the movie is good enough and has promo material it will be put in there.

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