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cory9919 04-15-2008 06:17 AM

Id like to make a request/suggestion
Fix your highlight movie system ok? Have some sense with what goes in there. For the past week ive logged in only to see either 4 empty slots with no movies, or, today, 4 Eredar twin movies.

Do we really need to see 4 eradar twin movies highlighted in one day? no we dont.

Valamir 04-15-2008 06:28 AM

I'm sorry you feel that way about how it works. Currently our Administrators have to adjust everything on the website manually and managing these things daily is a very rough and tiresome thing for them. They keep up with it 7 days a week. Please feel free to make suggestions, I am just letting you know that it isn't so simple sometimes. We will try to keep your suggestion fresh in our mind for future reference on how things can be improved here on, thank you.

cory9919 04-15-2008 06:38 AM

I feel the need to reply in a more reasonable manner. I posted the thread in frustration due to how things have been lately and a convorsation i had with my roommate. In our eyes WCM is going downhill, however this is not due to the site itself or its mods who run the site, but the wow community. Prebc there were so many big name movie makers, making movies constantly for every class. Lots of BG pvp videos, world pvp videos, organized pvp videos and some pve stuff too. it was great, every day there would be something new and entertaining.

But now its "2200 this" "2324 rated that" arena arena arena arena arena arena. "if its not arena, its bad" or "if its not 2.1+ its bad." Its boring! Theres not enough creativity in it anymore. To make matters worse, with sunwell out now, there are a million felmyst, brutallus, eredar twin videos being posted every day and getting spotlights. Its boring and frustrating.

Im a massive wcm fan, i have over 80 gigs of movies saved dating as far back as the indalmer video that nerfed warriors. Ive frequented this sight since day one and its disheartening to see it in such a low state.

I understand that it may be hard to highlight a new fresh video with how the community is currently. Arena vids get boring. youve seen one for a class youve pretty much seen them all. If its so hard though, it might be a good idea to highlight some older, classic movies. Maybe do a retro week/month where you guys highlight some of the best movies of the PreBC era. Im sure a lot of oldschool people will appreciate it for the nostalgia, and a lot of the newer players may think "man im sad i missed that."

thanks for the quick reply guys, keep working hard.

Gedan 04-15-2008 08:30 AM

I can understand your frustration Cory9919, there are different periods in the game and now it's not much to do than PvE and Arena. It's not like we try to hide desent pvp movies outside the arena, they just don't come by that often. On the feature part I will continue to show Sunwell movies for the PvE focused guilds and have the first 3-4 guilds have some days in the "sun", it's a huge deal to down something that quick and it would be wrong for us not to feature it.

I like your idea about highlighting older movies in the featurebox, maybe you could send me a PM of say 7 good old classic and we can mount a good HQ stream on them and feature it with an "oldschool" touch.

World PvP will be back with the WotlK and the fresh content will bring new outstanding movies. However, we do have several big movie makers in each genre that release World PvP and Machinima a few times each year.

cory9919 04-15-2008 09:55 AM

Yea, world pvp is already making a small combat at least on the new island, and im hoping to see some movie makers take advantage of the situation.

Ill look over my collection of movies and get some feedback from some players on which old movies they would like to see showcased again.

Ill get back with you on this shortly :D

Dwârv 04-15-2008 06:33 PM

Just stumbled upon this thread and man, I gotta say: I totally agree with cory9919.
I am a frequent visitor on this fantastic site for quite some time and had my share of movies, and had exactly the same thoughts.Arena arena arena.Now it's sunwell sunwell sunwell.Why not put some elder movies in the spotlight, there are so many worth beeing there once again.
Don't have to be all spotlights filled up with old stuff, but maybe one of them.At least you did so for promoting NST 3 - you gave us NST 2 as an appetizor.A step in the right direction,imho.
Also I don't understand, why nowadays some movies get in the "recommended" box again that have just been there.Good example is "Noone 3". I like the movie, but coming here and seeing it being recommended again leaves me with this "man, are there no other movies to put there..?"-feeling.
Nevertheless, I appreciate the work you guys put into this and look forward to what comes out of this thread in the end.



cory9919 04-15-2008 08:49 PM

Ive sent the PM with movies that could be highlighted in an oldschool promotion. I hope they work out

Gedan 04-16-2008 09:58 AM

Thanks Cory, I will look in to it.

cory9919 06-03-2008 01:24 PM

Id like to point out in this thread that the highlight boxes have been very nice lately. Nice variety to them. :)

Gedan 06-03-2008 02:21 PM

Thanks mate, I'm actually going to feature an oldie tomorrow, keep an eye out :O

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