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-   -   Premium looking REAL slow right now.. (

unorthadox 11-21-2006 09:15 PM

Premium looking REAL slow right now..
Why am i getting crap download speeds on every single video as of like 3 days ago? Dont ask me about my connection nor about any technical info ITS ALL WORKING properly.. whats the deal your hosts take a huge crap on your highspeed downloads? Downloading a video right now at 100 kb thats rediculious download.

Valamir 11-22-2006 07:16 AM

I am afraid we need to know your connection speed and location and if you have any firewalls, anti-virus, filtering, or proxy setup either with your computer or ISP. We can not help you with out this info.

Dardel 11-22-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Valamir (Post 4502)
I am afraid we need to know your connection speed and location and if you have any firewalls, anti-virus, filtering, or proxy setup either with your computer or ISP. We can not help you with out this info. We also need to know exactly what you are doing.

Many people are having this problem I KNOW it is not my firewall or anything like that.

Uzbeki 11-22-2006 08:28 AM

Dardel: Are you located in the US or Europe?

Custom56 11-22-2006 01:20 PM

I'm in europe, and the problem started 2 days ago. Everything is fine with my connection, i'm using a dsl 700/80 kb/s connection, and downloads are very slow and sometimes i get unfinished downloads.

Freekstyle 11-22-2006 04:32 PM

Ok, so here's what you need (requested) to know.

I'm in Europe. in Norway to be exact.
My ISP is a Norwegian company called " NextGenTel ".
And my internet connection is 6.5 Mbit down and 750kbps up so i think I can handle the speeds.

No, I don't have a firewall (and if It was the cause I'd knwo a bit soner than 3 days ago, been premium for 8-9 mohths and counting.) Proxy settings and such are fine, a they haven't been changed the last 4 months as far as I know. NOD32 Antivirus hasnt complained about your webpage/servers yet and probably won't anytime soon either.

Speeds from (nearly) every other site I'm on is fine, so as far as I'm concerned it's not my connection.
I've tested from a lot of different sites and they are able to delliver my max (about 800 KByte pr sec give or take). And yes, they are abroad sites (USA, other places in europe)

I know a lot of people who use the same internet-supplier and are having no problems, but are also gettign poor speeds from your servers.

Hope this helps a bit and make solving this happen asap! Looking forward to 500kbps+ speeds on Premium again^^

(This post is subject to change.!)

Dardel 11-23-2006 05:42 PM

I am in the US, But everything seems fine now, It starts off slow but works its way up to my normal download speed quickly.

unorthadox 11-23-2006 09:40 PM

im using ADSL, my download speeds on this site USED to be 800+ now its a crap slow of 100, this is real crappy, i have to use a filefront server to get faster than your premiums. Im in central USA, i've always used #3 server and it used USED to get 800+ now its at a 100 speed

Valamir 11-23-2006 09:49 PM

ADSL has a maximum of 300 KB/s download speed. The 100 KB/s is probably where your limit is set at. Who is your ISP and what is your connection speed in Mb (mega bits). I handle the entire nations worth of DSL connections at the ISP I work for so I do know my way around. Have you tried to any of the other links? The US Premium #4 never gets any traffic so it is always fast.

Quazimodo 11-24-2006 12:00 AM

I also use NextGenTel and have the same speed as the thread starter. Hope this gets fixed. :/ and wow, I didnt know ADSL had a limit of 300 kb/s download speed, what's the point of having 6 mb upload speed then <.<

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