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Dwârv 04-16-2008 07:29 PM

I'm so sick....
...of pro-downraters.

Hello -

Usually I am a very calm guy, but from time to time I give in to my rising anger and try to start a discussion to get other peoples opinion about things that imho suck as hell.
Now this has happened again.

Warning:long piece of brambling ahaed.

From time to time I revisit some movies I rated on just to see other peoples ratings/comments.
Every now and then I stumble upon people like someone, I will call PersonX in the future.
PersonX catches my eyes because he/she gives a 1.0 rating on a movie that has an average rating of let's say 4.6 (with more than 30 ratings so far).
I click on PersonX to find out more about his rating behaviour.
I find the last ten ratings beeing made within 40 minutes on movies with a total playtime of more than 100 minutes.
9 of the movies are rated 1.0
1 movie is rated 5.0

It might be that PersonX downloaded all the movies,then watched them making notes,then came back for the rating.
But I strongly doubt it.

Is there no way we can protect WcM from such "users"?

Something like a alarm that goes off, when somebody rates a movie with xx ratings (to have a reasonable average rating) extremely low (1.0, e.g.).
And if it turnes out to be a pro-downrater like PersonX, can't U just bann them for live, even if they didn't use foul language on their comments?

People like PersonX are in no way an enrichment for WcM,and from time to time I just have to say it out loud:

I am so sick of em.



P.S.: None of my movies was included here, so it's nothing personal.PersonX is not made up by me, but exists under another name.

Valamir 04-17-2008 03:51 AM

You could always click the report button next to each of their comments and leave a valid reason why it was reported. Our Admins will take a look at them and decide what to do. After they receive 3 formal warnings they will no longer have the ability to vote or comment.

Dwârv 04-17-2008 07:59 AM

yes, I know that procedure,but:

is it possible to report a comment/rating on a movie not made by me?


would this work out when no foul language has been used?

(these are no rethoric questions, I simply don't know)

Uzbeki 04-17-2008 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dwârv (Post 19831)
yes, I know that procedure,but:
is it possible to report a comment/rating on a movie not made by me?

Yes you can. You can even report his all his idiotic comments by clicking the X in his profile in the "latest comments" list. With a push of a button an admin can "purge" all his comments if we see that a large % of his comments are invalid.

We also hand out warnings. A warning deducts 5 points from your fame. 3 warnings bans you from rating at all.


Originally Posted by Dwârv (Post 19831)
would this work out when no foul language has been used?

Yes, on our admin pages we have all the info we need. As well the avg rating of the movie he rated on and his avg rating statistics and so on. Even if the comment does not contain foul language it will not be able to slip through.

We are also working on a new feature which will work similar to the ones you see on the database sites like Wowhead. You will be able to rate other peoples comments. If the comment get a negative score the comment will be hidden and also auto reported to admins. If the comment gets a high enough postive score it will be highlighted as a "good" comment.

Dwârv 04-17-2008 02:19 PM

thx for the quick reply, you made me a happy old man.
(I think I saw this new feature for one day here, not long ago : stars in the middle of the comments and a plus and a minus on the right side, was wondering what this was)



Uzbeki 04-17-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dwârv (Post 19871)
thx for the quick reply, you made me a happy old man.
(I think I saw this new feature for one day here, not long ago : stars in the middle of the comments and a plus and a minus on the right side, was wondering what this was)



Great :)
Yeah it was a bit premature, we noticed some issues with it so we had to retract it. It will probably be out sometime next week though.

Kimpan88 04-20-2008 04:32 PM


We are also working on a new feature which will work similar to the ones you see on the database sites like Wowhead. You will be able to rate other peoples comments. If the comment get a negative score the comment will be hidden and also auto reported to admins. If the comment gets a high enough postive score it will be highlighted as a "good" comment.
Woah, sounds like a insane imba ide! Lets just it comes out soon :D

Uzbeki 04-22-2008 10:13 AM

Its coming out today! :D

turix 04-22-2008 04:18 PM

You can vote for your own comment atm :P - Maybe set all comments posted to +1 (Assuming the user has some self respect) and then prevent people voting for themselves.

Uzbeki 04-22-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by turix (Post 20031)
You can vote for your own comment atm :P - Maybe set all comments posted to +1 (Assuming the user has some self respect) and then prevent people voting for themselves.

Yeah, that was not intented :) We will make sure to fix that and remove all "self ratings"

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