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Category Unknown
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Priority Unknown
Status Suggested
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Votes for this feature 0
Submitted 10-19-2009
Votes against this feature 0
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issueid=447 10-19-2009 04:50 PM

I realize you are trying to make money off your website to support it, but the number of ad's on this site is just ridiculous. It's gotten to a point where I'm about to stop coming to it because every time I click anything on your page, I get a pop up. There are ads all over the web pages, and if I have to watch a video from your stream, it takes TWO ads before the video even starts, and more if its over 20 minutes. I mean come on, this is just ridiculous. Please find some way to lower the number of ads, or just revert to the old way and don't have embeded streams on your website that you host.

10-21-2009 08:07 AM
Hi Shinanigan,

could you maybe show us a screenshot on how this manifest, we very much would like to see where the advertisement is shown as we try to keep it from force-feeding our visitors too much. Maybe even a recording would be awesome if you have the tools because we sure as hell don't want too much video advertisement either.
10-21-2009 01:58 PM
11-17-2009 06:29 AM
* Ads the break the site design or covers portions of the site content.

Somehow I feel the comercial before being able to start a stream of a video violates this!

Anyways on a more serious note, would be cool if atleast premium accounts didnt have to see it every single time we open a new video stream.
11-20-2009 07:31 AM
Do you get commercials before every movie still?
11-20-2009 07:11 PM
Not anymore, thanks
12-13-2009 05:13 PM
I actualy came to these forums to make the same complaint. I also posted a thread in the wrong forum. My rant continues here...

The new Robot Driver or whatever the hell its called ad is beyond ridiculous, why do you have to fill our screen with crap like that? Since when was warcraft movies all about profit whoring? Get real.

Look at this bullshit, ads overlapping ads!
12-13-2009 07:35 PM
Hall of Fame member
I just use an adblocker with Firefox that takes care of most of the crap.

But anyone else hitting the 'mute' button on your computer as soon as a movie is about to load just to avoid having to listen to the dam something something RUUUUNES of magic sound?
12-17-2009 12:26 PM
This is not up to standard siteskin, we're taking a look at it.

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