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Old 05-22-2009, 12:08 AM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 6
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Machinima Questionnaire.

How old are you?

Country of origin?

Ethnic origin?
Hawaiian/Russian... something like that.

student/funeral director

Do you play World of Warcraft?

Do you play any other MMORPG?
not so much

Your realm?
Burning Legion US

How often do you play WOW? (approx hours per week)
no clue.

The name under which you make machinima?

How many machinima have you made to date?
a good amount. 20ish maybe 30. im too lazy to go count.

Please list them by title.
im too lazy to count also applies to listing them
check some here: youtube

Do you/would you consider making machinima with any other game?

Why do you use WOW?
wowmodelviewer makes it easy. i dont use puppeteers or body actors whatever u call it.

What made you start making machinima?
I thought people were only making pvp videos set to linkin park.

What do you think you get out of making machinima? (Pleasure/profit/fame etc)
Few people make machinima I want to see. BAsically a lot of he movies I make for my own enjoyment. Or to prove to my gf how rad i am.
also I like Olibith.

Do you write a screenplay?
No. I listen to music and WoW scenes will pop in my head. So I make it.

Do you storyboard?
no. i actually make it up as im making it.

What programs do you use?
Fraps. Sony Vegas. Photoshop. Particle Illusion. CrazyTalk

Any difficulties with the programs?

How long does it normally take for you to make a film?
a week or so. i dunno.

What, in a perfect world, would you like to do with your machinima?
A long time ago the answer wouldve been "use it to meet Cat Schwartz". Not too long ago the answer wouldve been "use it to meet Olivia Munn". But i have a gf now... so... ummm... basically I want to be the John Cusack of machinima. He's never at the top of your list, but you always remember he's your fav when you're watching his movies

Do you consider machinima work or fun?
fun. once it's work, i stop and put on Venture Bros.

What genre are your machinima (comedy/drama/music video, etc)
i guess music video-ish.

What genre do you think suits WOW machinima best?
surreal, abstract pop art. Olibith.

Do you have any favourite machinima other than your own?
Olibith. Legs. Selserene. Baron. Pinkhair. yada yada... and that dude who makes 3d modeled gnomes that sing like french pop songs.

Would you like to see machinima gain a bigger audience?

Do you think that WOW machinima in particular has appeal to an audience who do not play WOW?
I would think so. WoW on its own draws from so many pop culture references that those references alone should appeal to non WoWers here and there. or not. /shrug

Anything else you would like to say?
watch this video of a cat sitting at a table and eating. it kills me every time.
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