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Old 05-01-2008, 04:15 PM   #10
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P.S.:Anybody else with an opinion around here..?...just anybody..?
haha yeah right! I once asked a question on this forum, and it was replied to 6 months later, and I'm not kidding u hehe /wrists. There isn't much interest in the 'scene' I think that's party a side effect of everything we been talking about, it's the MTV generation out there, just let me press 5 and I'm done, no forums, no categories to bother about, just BAM done! cum shot, game over, k NEXT!

But to reply to something u said... the problem is, logistically speaking I mean, coz I've had this debate ad-infinitum with Uzbeki and Baron many times in the past, they must hate my whine spam hehe, but anyway, the problem is if you rate something low in one category it pulls the over all rating down a lot so it's really hard to find rating categories which weave together seamlessly yet while also giving you details about which aspects are good or bad. It's far from an easy task to make THE perfect ratings system unfortunately.

I mean take my new movie for example, the Illidan tactical guide one. It has no 'skill' really in game play, I mean ok so we're killing Illidan but anyone can do that, so one could in theory rate it high in movie making skills and low in 'game play' skills categories, thus making the over all rating really low, so people would not bother to watch it. But as we seen what people do is rate 5 in everything, if they like it hehe. I wish they wouldn't though coz it gives much more constructive feedback if you rate constructively. But u can ONLY do that if u do that for EVERY movie coz u can't rate one movie 5 coz it made u laugh and is 10 megs long then a 1 gig art movie rate it 4 because you felt the way motion blur was used was too similar to his last master piece. It needs consistency. I mean I think I have never rated a Baron movie 5 in all categories, coz if I DID it tells him 'this is perfection, u can do no better, this is your master piece' so I don't want to give him 5... YET

Last edited by Hacky : 05-01-2008 at 04:23 PM.
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