Thread: Our Legend
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Old 03-27-2007, 03:48 PM   #6
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I bought the lotr cds a long time ago and have them burnt onto my computer. I'm only worried about being sued for using that kind of music for this, like if i was nominated to win some award wouldn't i get sued then!

erm hehe.

Also im at a writers block. So far half of the clan has gathered for the meeting in which all three chieftains are attending. This is very strange because not once in many years has three chieftains of the clan ever met in one place. There are 3 chieftans for political reasons as well as if anything was to ever happen.

So i got one chieftan here yet im at a mental block where i can't think of any events to transpire before the other two arrive.

already plotted out the first fight scene as well as the second (Hehe i added human readneck hunters who are crazy, obviously.)

I'm just wondering if i was to use a certain type of fight music from a video game what kind of trouble would i get into?
The flames of war are coming...
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