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Old 07-03-2007, 02:22 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5
lghtmyfr71 is unknown at this point
Originally Posted by godzrival View Post
polzie and gegon both quit after there big fight and last movies, grim quit, zalgradis hasnt had a movie in a long time assuming he quit or is full pve ( before tbc he was in a naxx cleared guild) xantim has realsed a tbc movie. and there has been big names out there.. vurtne,niar etc
Hmm i guess your just an idiot then, Ik zal hasnt had a movie thats what thsi threads about, Grim still plays and Grim 3 is along the way, Polzie and Gegon still play, Polzie actualy has a 70 warrior a 70 rogue, and a 64 lock he is on gegons server and they are both ally, and ik xantim realeased a movie thats what i said, Vurtne sucks only good part is the funny ass scene with the rogues with vent, and nair is one of the worst rogues iv seen he just has good gear

so kno your facts before responding
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