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Old 04-06-2007, 08:52 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1
Kralik is unknown at this point
Here's a tip: Try and be unique.
Show some good 1v2 / 1v3's, use whatever fuckign spec you want cause in the end it doesn't matter. Make sure you render it in a non-shitty codec and please show some skill. Don't fall back on " this is my first movie please don't criticise me to much I bruise easy" tactic excecuted by a majority of WoW movie idiots. If you can make demonology interesting and you like the spec, you shouldn't give a fuck what anyone else likes because you will know that spec (or should if you're going to make a movie) inside out.

-Dont do the lame scroll-through-talent-tree and scroll-over-my-awesome-gear bullshit. Stick to pvp. If you want to see an amazing warlock pvp movie, see Drakedog (any movies by him but look at 5 for best quality).

- Don't use to many effects if any. People are looking for a pvp video, not some bullshit all over their screen that makes them want to vomit.

- Show some skill as i mentioned above. If you use potions, engineering and all of your class abilities to their max potential, people will note it. Then there are idiots who say everything against your movie because they can but ignore them.

- As a warlock myself, I tend to note simple dot spamming is boring as fuck to watch in a movie. A plain fact is that people like big numbers or at least rediculous skill. This is why the most successful warlock vids have been made from destro spec ( my fav spec). Destro, when used properly is the most devastiting pvp spec out there.

These are just some things that came to mind off the top of my head, take them with a grain of salt.

Also, do not do rediculous zoom effects. It gets hella anoying. Learn to use Vegas or Adobe Premier and use Fraps full version at 60 fps to record. If your computer sucks and can't handle recording while playing, dont bother making a movie, nothing people hate more than seeing a shitty rendered slow framerate movie.
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