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Old 05-05-2009, 05:50 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 5
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“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

This quote from Eleanor Roosevelt is particularly helpful to consider as many of us find ourselves posting our resumes yet again because—despite the pervasive impact of today’s “retracting” economy—it can be easy to think it’s somehow your fault that you’ve re-entered the job market: to beat yourself up thinking, “If only I had done X,” or “If only I hadn’t said Y.”

The trouble with this is that this sense of personal failure has the potential to influence the way you begin to think about your former situation, making it still more difficult to talk about how and why you were let go. With this in mind, then, let’s look at some language you can use to ensure you end up on offense instead of defense.

The Foul Weather Friend Response

You’ve all heard the term, “fair weather friend,” to describe the person who’s always around when the sun is shining and the seas are calm. Unfortunately, foul weather friends also exist—people who miraculously show up in your life the day your divorce papers are delivered, when you find yourself in the emergency room, or during the planning of your parent’s funeral, but are somehow never free to come to your holiday party,
your child’s graduation, or your anniversary celebration. These psychic vampires generally open with, “What happened?” not “What can I do?” as their ultimate goal is not your well being, but instead detail-collecting in an effort to make themselves feel better about what’s going on in their lives, and the boost of self-importance they get from being “there for you.” You will also find they have time to spread your story far and wide.
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For this particular category I recommend keeping your explanation short and sweet. “Well, we got divorced.” Or, “Well, I got laid off.” That’s it. Further detail is unnecessary. Should they follow up with an, “Oh, I’m so sorry. Did you see it coming?” all you need to say is, ‘Thank you. Yes. (Or no) I appreciate your concern.” They are not entitled to more.

The Potential Employer Response

Obviously things become somewhat more complex when a potential employer asks about the reason behind your changed status. wow power leveling That said, I continue to recommend keeping the particulars of your situation to a minimum, and instead making a broader statement about the state of your industry, “Yes, a number of people in my area were also let go due to downsizing.
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As you know, my sector was hard-hit due to X, Y, Z” Or, “Yes, an inability to raise our third round of funding necessitated some cuts all around. As you know, venture capital is thin on the ground in this economy.” should suffice. Then use that as a springboard for talking about what you learned from the experience, and how you plan to apply that knowledge to your new position. “What I’ve discovered is that tackling challenges outside my comfort zone actually inspires me—I like a sharp learning curve. This is one of the primary reasons I came in to talk to you. I very much admire the diversified, hands-on approach you ask of your employees.” Or, “What I learned is the value of a good fundraiser, so that’s where I’ve put my energy in the intervening months—very few people look bored when you mention you know how to raise money. With regard to how I might raise money for you, I was thinking of X, Y, Z.”
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