Thread: Mouse clickers
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Old 12-27-2006, 02:14 AM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 52
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Originally Posted by Gebbatron View Post
Ok. i recently released a PvP video, and im getting these comments from people saying, "Mouse clicker in action" "BLah blah blah Mouse clicker".

What is so bad about mouse clicking. I mean, when your waiting for a skill to finish cooling down, and half the time when you click the button once, the skill doesnt execute, it is nearly impossible to not click the skill repeatedly until it is executed.

Why are people hatin on mouse clickers? because it looks bad in a movie? id rather make sure my skill is performed than lose a fight... it just makes no sense...

I don't condone those comments on a movie, but mouse clicking does perform less effectively than keybindings. It's not so much about reaction time and accuracy, but it's about character control. If you're clicking, you can't use mouselook, and if you don't use mouselook you only turn at half the speed of someone using it. Meaning in PvP, if somebody is jousting or strafing around you, you'll get in less attacks.

If you're a ranged class, it's virtually impossible to effectively kite because you can't do a jump + spin and cast reliably. You're also less likely to be able to evade attacks- If you keyboard turn you're more susceptible to facing requirement attacks like Backstab, Mutilate, Shred, and Gouge. Mouselook allows you to turn much faster and make it more difficult for your opponent to land those spells.
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