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Old 10-22-2006, 11:24 PM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 4
ktoko is unknown at this point
Please download the below links:

To begin, type /spellwatch or /sw to open the configuration menu.
* Click the 'New' button to create a timer; in the field that pops up input a name for the effect and hit enter or click the 'New' button again. The timer should show up in the list on the left.
* In the 'Spell Name' box enter the name of the spell exactly as it is in the game (if you aren't sure, enable the 'Debug Messages' checkbox and try casting the spell).
* In the 'Bar Label' field enter the label you want to appear on the progress bar. '$n' will be replaced with the spell name, and '$t' will be replaced with the spell's target.
* In the 'Duration' field enter the timer's duration in seconds.
* If the ability duration changes depending on the number of combo points you have, enter the change in seconds in the 'Per CP' field. (NOTE: The duration should be the duration with 'zero' combo points; i.e. if each combo point adds 3 seconds, and the duration is 9 seconds with 1 combo point, the duration field should be set to 6)
* In the 'Group' field enter the spell's group. Spells in the same group will replace each other if cast on the same target if targeted, or globally if not targeted... for example, a warlocks curses should all be in the same group, or a paladin's blessings, or a shaman's earth totems, etc.
* The 'Rank' field indicates that this timer should only trigger on the specified rank of the spell being cast (i.e. different timers for banish rank 1 and banish rank 2)
* The 'Targeted Spell' checkbox indicates that the spell has a target (not aoe/self buff/totem).
* The 'Unique' checkbox indicates that the spell can only be applied once at any given time (i.e. banish, fear, polymorph, sleep, etc), where reapplication of the effect resets the first one.
* 'Invert Bar' and 'Invert Timer' do exactly what they sound, the first causes bars to 'drain' rather than 'fill up' and the second causes the text timer to count down rather than up.
* The color picker is used to set what color the bar should be.

Click the Unlock Bars button to unlock the timers. They start out anchored to each other but you can drag them around however you like. Lock them again to put them back into use.

You can right-click on a timer bar to cancel it, should you have no further use for it.
Please download the below links:

The Main Features are:
- List all installed AddOns
- Show additional information like Version, Languages, ...
- Activate AddOn (move from AddOns to DisabledAddOns Folder)
- Deactovate AddOns (move from DisabledAddOns to AddOns Folder)
- Delete AddOn
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