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Old 09-03-2008, 08:28 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1
omendamned is an unknown quantity at this point
Recruitment - WAR Movie Maker

We Dark Omen are looking to recruit a movie maker for Warhammer Online Age Of Reckoning. Now were not just looking for a movie maker we want somone who fits in our little mad house. Dark Omen is a *cough* mature *cough* guild, were mostly from the UK but we have members from all over europe.

Some things you should know before i copy and paste in the rest of the guild info. Dark Omen as guild like to be the best at what we do, however we are not a military guild. We are a roleplay PvP guild and no were not hardcore roleplayers we just enjoy a bit of RP from time to time. So this mean we will be rolling on a RP server, Hopefully an Open RvR RP realm however Mythic has yet to confirm/deny that the EU will be getting this type of server (has been confirmed that North America will NOT be getting this type of server), We do have our fingers crossed though.

If you are interested in joining us as a moviemaker then please post a link to some of your work in the application, so the leaders can view your work. If you are just interested in joining us then head on over anyway and say hi.

With that said here is the usual info....

The rain pounded against the windows of the tavern, a storm like this had not been seen in ages, however the patrons of the tavern were not bothered by it at all, as they continued their stories and drunken antics. A few marauders were cheering as they held a drinking contest at the bar, yelling at the top of their lungs as flagon after flagon was emptied and slammed down onto the table.

The door to the tavern swung open, hitting the wall with such a force it almost shattered the hinges, some people stopped what they were doing and looked up to see what had caused such a noise, others were too drunk to care. A towering Chosen stood in the doorway filling the doorway with his impressive size, his armor was covered by a cloak, from shoulder to floor. Walking into the tavern slowly, slamming the door shut behind him as he stomped over to a table in a corner,he removed his helmet placing it on the table and sitting down facing the wall, looking at the darkness that obscured the corner from most sight.

"I take it..... That you know?" The Chosen's words were deep however he made sure he spoke so that for once, the others in the tavern couldn't hear him, his eyes stayed focused on the darkness in the corner, that started to move, slowly, but rippling, there was someone in that darkness.

"We know Chosen." A small high pitched voice hidden by the table replied, the Chosen turned his head slowly to look for the location of the voice.

"Why did I think that he would be alone in a place like this," The Chosen chuckled to himself as the words left his cracked and scared lips.

"I iz neva alone." The darkness moved again, not rippling this time however but moving as a solid mass, as the Orc leaned forward putting his hands on the table, his eyes deep in his skull and his face scarred, it was clear they had both seen a lot of battles.

"We are never alone. and I'm sure you know as much as I do, that this storm is not a storm."

"Sign." The squeaky voice from under the table screamed a little too loud, a few heads in the tavern turned to look at what was going on in the corner, before going back to cheering and drinking again.

"Yes.... A sign, we're needed." The squeaks from under the table turned to cheers, a small green head poked up over the top of the table grinning from ear to ear and looking at the Chosen. "Well, wot's we waiting for?"

"We're waiting for what is going to happen any...." The Chosen's sentence was cut short as the door was blasted off it's hinges shattering the door into nothing more but splinters and shaking the entire tavern. Everyone stopped drinking, even the marauders who were starting to have problems staying vertical.

The remains of the doorway filled with shadows again, however this time it wasn't one shadow that filled the doorway, it was several shadows, of different sizes. Elves, Dwarfs, and Men, They stood in the doorway, bows, guns and swords, pointing at those in the tavern. One of the dwarfs spoke up,

"We want the Chosen, the rest of you can fight and die, or let us take him." Most of the marauders in the tavern looked at the Chosen in the corner, who was simply smiling, as the sky cracked again with lightning, lighting up the outside sky as if it was midday, showing that there was more then just a few of them behind the 3 in the doorway. The marauders in the tavern were outnumbered.

The Chosen stood up, put his helmet back on and turned to face the 3 in the doorway. The Orc followed suit the wooden chair he was sat on creaking as his mass shifted and moved, standing side by side with the Chosen, the Goblin joining them, still grinning from ear to ear twitching and jumping.

"So," The Chosen took a step forward and started talking, "I'm guessing you know who I am, otherwise, you would have brought less," He turned and looked at the Black Orc, who was just a bit shorter then himself however was wider, wearing less armor and had more muscles, "However, I'm guessing if you knew who we were, you would have brought more." The Chosen laughed using the full ability of his voice this time, echoing around the tavern as if he'd just heard a joke.

"We know who you are Chosen, and you should make peace with whichever foul deamon you worship, your time is now." The Elf stepped forward while talking, drawing his bow and aiming it at the Chosen's head.

"Brothers," The Chosen addressed the tavern this time. "If you seek nothing more then drinking, and nothing more then simple fighting, stay here, watch us fight and leave," Some of the marauders laughed at the thought of them walking out of here alive, "However, if you want more, if you want to feel the blood beneath your feet, you want to feel like a god, then join us, fight among us, and become one.... With the Omen!" The Chosen removed his cloak exposing his armor, glistening black armor with a red tint the symbols on it clear as day glowing with power. The tavern went quiet, everything stood still, as the marauders realised who he was, what he was capable of as he drew the axe from his back, screamed and simultaneously the Orc and himself threw themselves at the doorway, slashing and fighting anything they could hit or reach. The goblin drew a bow and started firing arrows between the two masses quickly and effectively. The marauders at the bar, cheered, screamed, finished their drinks and joined in the fight, if they were going to die, it would be fighting at his side, they had made their choice, they had chosen to fight with these three. The blood would flow, they had answered the call.

Will you?

The Info:
Dark Omen is a multigaming guild, that started in... That other MMO, after having many success's and server firsts becoming one of the most known guilds on the server, with a stable history of PvE and PvP, we're moving into WaR and doing it with a vengence. Taking along our core base from... That other MMO, and bringing friends along the way.... We're hitting the ground running in WaR, experienced players, beta players, veteren PvP's in several games, and including WaR beta.

We have all the things that every other guild has these days (Website, Vent, etc etc etc)

So, I hear you cry, but why, why should we join you?

Are you looking for somewhere to enjoy the game? Somewhere to have fun with people who want to be remembered, to be good at the game... To play along people who want to be good to be feared, however aren't willing to turn into a military guild to get it, somewhere you log on, you smile and have some fun... Then this is the guild for you.... I joined originally in, that other MMO.... comming from a hardcore raiding guild... I joined DO and it was the best guild I've been in (And I'm not just saying that) working my way up to an officer rank, I loved every moment, I went from a guild where logging on for raiding seemed like a chore, to wanting to play, wanting to raid, the fun was there, and the progress was there, server firsts, PvP groups... It was a perfect balance.

There are social guilds out there, there are hardcore guilds out there (Not so much on RP servers) But if you're looking for somewhere you can get away from the leetkiddies, somewhere you can enjoy the game, play with your peers, and with people who are willing to help out... Willing to come help you, and who want nothing more then as a group of friends, smash some good old Order face.... Then come join us.


Guildchat/Raidchat/Party Are not In character, however we abide by RP rules, Say is strictly RP only.

If we sound like a bunch of gamers you want to play with, or just interested in, come say hello on the website.

We don't bite.... Well except for Axegor.
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