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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
:o Surprised Surprised
:twisted: Icon Twisted Icon Twisted
:redface: Icon Redface Icon Redface
:P :P :P
:( Frown Frown
:question: Icon Question Icon Question
:confused: Confused Confused
:mrgreen: Mrgreen Mrgreen
:lol: Icon Lol Icon Lol
:exclaim: Icon Exclaim Icon Exclaim
:top: Top Top
:cry: Icon Cry Icon Cry
:\ Confused Confused
:D Big Grin Big Grin
;) Wink Wink
:arrow: Icon Arrow Icon Arrow
:hmpf: Hmpf Hmpf
:s S S
:mad: Mad Mad
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:bird: Bird Bird
:rofl: Rofl Rofl
:tired: Tired Tired
:boring: Boring Boring
:idea: Idea Idea
:adore: Adore Adore
:wavey: Wavey Wavey
:auf: Vollkommenauf Vollkommenauf
:argh: Argh Argh
:proud: Proud Proud
:ahhhhh: Ahhhhh Ahhhhh
:thumpdown: Thumpdown Thumpdown
:afraid: Afraid Afraid
:y: Y Y
:ciao: Ciao Ciao
:beer: Beer Beer
:flowers: Flowers Flowers
:dontknow: Dontknow Dontknow
:motz: Motz Motz
:stupido2: Stupido2 Stupido2
:help: Help Help
:bawling: Bawling Bawling
:love: Love Love
:call2: Call2 Call2
:hello: Hello Hello
:stupid: Stupid Stupid
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:angel: Angel Angel
:cool: Cool Cool
:tomato: Tomato Tomato
:bootyshake: Bootyshake Bootyshake
:creep: Creep Creep
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:coffee: Coffee Coffee
:flute: Flute Flute
:santaclaus: Santaclaus Santaclaus
:driver: Driver Driver
:hmmmm: Hmmmm Hmmmm
:five: Five Five
:| Sad Sad
:fisheye: Fisheye Fisheye
:bath: Bath Bath
:deal: Deal Deal
:call: Call Call
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:eviltongue: Eviltongue Eviltongue
:date: Date Date
:burnout: Burnout Burnout
:bandit: Bandit Bandit
:dancing2: Dancing2 Dancing2
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:hahaha: Hahaha Hahaha
:embarassed: Embarassed Embarassed
:dancing: Dancing Dancing
:knuddel: Knuddel Knuddel
:damnmate: Damnmate Damnmate
:alberteinstein: Alberteinstein Alberteinstein
:egg: Egg Egg
:itsme: Itsme Itsme
:girl: Girl Girl
:secruity: Secruity Secruity
:eating: Eating Eating
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:nurse: Nurse Nurse
:tee: Tee Tee
:saint: Saint Saint
:bleh: Aetsch Aetsch
:withstupid: Withstupid Withstupid
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:bebored: Bebored Bebored
:marchmellow: Marchmellow Marchmellow
:captain: Captain Captain
:stupido: Stupido Stupido
:dito: Dito Dito
:vroam: Vroam Vroam
:fight: Fight Fight
:rock: Rock Rock
:lollypop: Lollypop Lollypop
:heeeelllllooooo: Heeeelllllooooo Heeeelllllooooo
:questionmark: Questionmark Questionmark
:listen: Listen Listen
:viking: Viking Viking
:handkiss: Handkiss Handkiss
:stickyman: Stickyman Stickyman
:evil: Evil Evil
:puke: Puke Puke
:trytofly: Trytofly Trytofly
:star: Star Star
:goodnight: Goodnight Goodnight
:elefant: Elefant Elefant
:pepsi: Pepsi Pepsi
:joyman: Joyman Joyman
:girlshit: Girlshit Girlshit
:shakehands: Shakehands Shakehands
:pcguru: Pcguru Pcguru
:toilet: Toilet Toilet
:party: Party Party

Forum time (GMT) 01:19 AM

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