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Ashuren 12-01-2007 06:13 PM

Another good program that you can use is...
It affects and and edits sounds.


jffyt 02-21-2008 01:21 PM

I have also used Magix Movie Edit Pro 11. (about $60 US) It has an interface from hell, but it has many effects (transitions, pan, zoom, chroma, speed adjust, etc.) once you figure out where to pound your face on the keyboard.

saibot11 02-25-2008 07:17 AM

Adobe After Effects
I see that you've excluded Adobe After Effects from the list. I use it and it's great, hard to learn, indeed, but I belive it's one of the best. I use a combination between Sony Vegas and AE, anyways, if you wish to see some tutorials here's a pretty good site (After effects only).

Good Luck!

NabilRU 03-04-2008 08:28 PM

Vegas ftw

RekkingBall 07-31-2008 07:42 AM

I'm considering getting the $79 version of Sony Vegas movie studio, does anyone know the real difference between it and it's 120 dollar cousin Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum? I get associate discounts where, I work, and was considering going with the 120 dollar version as I can probably get it down to around 90-100 dollars. I would like the opinion of someone who has worked with both if possible, the 79 dollar version just worries me it may be too 'home movie' and not enough professionalism that I'm looking for. Please remember that the real version of Vegas is out of the question, I'm a university student, not a real estate mogul.

RopeDrink 01-19-2009 08:21 PM

Currently using Adobe Premiere 6.5

Took a bit of getting used to, but a vast and appealing list of editing effects and possibilities, seemingly large (If not unlimited) amount of AV/Sound channels and a lot of compression options.

I use it primarily with the Adobe Photoshop artwork I do for the movies, so it seemed natural to stick to Adobe's movie editor, too. I remember Sony Vegas for editing sounds years gone by, seems to be growing in popularity as an all out movie editor now, too. Personally I dont think I could adapt to an additional editor especially one with limited AV Channels as I use a lot of green/blue screening for certain things in my movies, thus two channels is totally unacceptable, but it certainly works with sound far better than Adobe Premiere in all aspects.

Talaesin 05-02-2009 08:42 AM

Heres downloads for all sony vegas versions

Kyperion 06-23-2009 02:04 PM

I am using AVS Video Editor 4 ( and it seems to give a good mix of control, and the ability to overlay multiple items on the base video. It also has very precise timelining capabilities, and trim/multi-trim, of the multiple source videos.

The cost is reasonable, and signing up for one AVS product gets you acess to their entire line of editing and converting software.

bvlesymaarley5497 09-14-2013 07:24 AM

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paul jacobs

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