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soosisti 07-04-2007 07:44 AM

LFM Unlimited Escapism vol. 0 - people who can draw

As I suck at drawing, I thought Iīd search for more help here :D

A new idea popped in my head for UE vol 0. I would like to have really cool and good-looking hand or computer drawn imagery shown amongst the animated scenes in UEv0. The beginning and ending credits could use some cool drawn imagery as well.

If you are a skilled graphic artist and are willing to let your work to be shown in UEv0 - please send me a PM here. If you have a page at Deviantart, please give a link to it too.

Here's a brief list of styles that interest me:
- comic style (manga, "normal")
- generally artistic
- 3d rendered

Plese note that Photoshopped WoWmodelviewer imagery is not what I'm currently looking for (that I can do myself). The keyword here is hand-drawn, even if it would mean using a mouse :)

If you know any good graphic WoW artist on Deviantart or elsewhere, links are welcome.

The theme of UEv0 will be a lot more dark and grim compared to the previous ones. It will have more blood and action, less flying around & sceneries.

Editingwise UEv0 wonīt be moving anywhere during the whole July but I'll get back on it at August.

If you havenīt seen or heard about the UE movies, here are links to them:
Unlimited Escapism vol. 1
Unlimited Escapism vol. 2
Unlimited Escapism vol. 3


You can also contact me at IRC on the Quakenet network, my nick is BaronSoosdon.

Dokktor 07-04-2007 09:34 AM

I think I can give it a shot. Rather than bookmarking this page, throw me a message at my email [email protected]
or if it doesn't work [email protected]
here's a snag for you, it's a pic I did for class on the holocaust. Played FF6? :D
it's the only picture I've done recently that came to mind from your description. I'll make you some hawt WoW shit or w/e
I realize there isn't much of a drawing in there, but it didn't really call for it. I'm better at WoW stuff anyway, and that image was a Sunday-nighter.

Succubusstudios 07-04-2007 11:27 AM

Your good! :P Wanna see your WoW Stuff <3 :P

Dellmonty 07-04-2007 02:00 PM

I got some drawings here:

my e-mail is here: [email protected]

Dokktor 07-04-2007 08:32 PM

dont send it to my GMAIL. it's bork.
aknight14@gmail should work though.... ffs

Succubusstudios 07-04-2007 10:21 PM

Dellmonty... Your pretty good :P... Your Wolf is cool,your blood elf to but the NE is... a little...hmmm what should i say?... diffrent... but still cool xD Looking forward to see who Baron Chooses! Good Luck both

godliest 07-05-2007 10:36 AM

It's two way different ways of drawing. One is more fantasy looking and the other one is going more towards comics? I like both styles, but I personally prefer fantasy looking art.

And if you need some oversplattered picture that doesn't look like anything at all, give me a shout.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 5

I got many more of these pics.

Dokktor 07-08-2007 01:06 AM

He doesn't seem to be listening to us...
btw on the last post there's a typo in your quote in a bad spot.
"...about the the universe"

Dokktor 07-08-2007 01:07 AM

If I was him I'd be thinking your example 5 is the best thing for the movie on this whole page

soosisti 07-08-2007 08:50 AM


Sorry for not answering sooner, but i'll get on it now. Godliest & Dellmonty - ok stuff there but not the thing I'm currently looking for.

I'll send a mail to Dokktors way.

Also I edited the original post to be a bit more understandable.

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