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Whitelighter 10-30-2006 01:33 AM

New to Movie Making
Hey guys Im new to making movies and was hoping for some advice.
Im currently having 2 problems I cannot solve -

1.) When I record (Fraps) I can play back immediately after on the same machine and get a great clear video. I can play back using Windows Movie Maker that is. I have been compiling video strategies for my guild, and recently finished my first completed video. I was asked to upload it to google video and did. However when I viewed it my whole interface was blurred to the point you could not read anything. For the most part, all characters and mobs was fine, just the interface. What causes that and how can I fix it?

And secondly, when I activate Fraps to start recording I seem to lose A LOT of FPS (atleast according to the Fraps in-game counter). I never have lag issues unless Im in an instance/raid. Is it just due to recording 40 different players and mobs moving around? It doesn't get to the point its unplayable when using Fraps, unless the server as a whole is having lag issues.

My system spec is -
Pent4 2.79
1.5gig of RAM (can't remember type of Ram, but I do know I went with one of the best types)
GForce 6800 128

I recently read thro many of these posts, changed my World of Warcraft res to 1024x768, and changed Fraps FPS from 60fps to 30fps. I haven't recorded yet, so not sure if these settings will help with this or not.

I'd appreciate any and all help you guys can give me.


Thiras 10-30-2006 01:31 PM

1) Google video uses kinda low resolution so the ui will be hard to see there, nothing you can do about that.

2) Fraps lowers the fps of your game to how much you want it to record to. Like if you set it to 30 fps the game will play at 30 fps.

Whitelighter 10-30-2006 09:54 PM

Ah ok. I appreicate it Thiras. AfteR I posted I got to thinking, and kinda figured it was more googlevideo than my settings.

Thanks for the help :)

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