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KayJay1971 07-31-2007 11:16 AM

EverWars....great FREE MMORPG

Welcome to Everwars!

We are so excited that you have decided to join our medieval fantasy world!

Here is a quick guide that will help you through the sign-up process as well as some tips for getting to your first battle.

If someone gave you a link, you most likely started by seeing their character profile page or their recruitment page. If you found on your own, you will most likely be at the game’s homepage to start with. Either way, you want to click that “Join Everwars” button to get started!

Fill out the form on the next page, starting with a username. This is also the name of your character so get creative! Make sure to enter your real e-mail address so that you can get the activation code in a few minutes. Now, click the Create Account button.

On the following page, you will be asked to enter your activation code. This will be in your e-mail as well as on that page at the top. Click Activate Account, and on the next page, click Continue.

The next screen is a list of the playable races of Everwars. Read over each race’s benefits, choose one and click the Create button. On the next page you will confirm your selection, so click the Create button again. Read the next page and click the Continue button.

The page you see now is our Terms of Service page. Please carefully read all the information here, and then Agree (If you do not agree to the Terms, please cancel at this time).

Once you click “I Agree”, read the next page and then click Continue. Now you are able to select an avatar for your character. There are several pages to look through. Click on what you want, and click Select Avatar. This can always be changed later. Read the next screen, and click Continue.

You are now finished with the Account/Character creation process! You are viewing your profile page.

To begin playing Everwars:

From your profile page, you will notice a light box on the right side of the screen with three letters in it. This is a CAPTCHA code that helps prevent players from using automated clicking programs to cheat. You will need to enter this code before you can do nearly anything in the game. You will see this code on any page until you enter it.

Click the Battle menu button in the area below the site logo. You will notice two Game Alerts (three if you still need to enter the code mentioned above). One says Game Alert: Empty Item Slots, and the other says Game Alert: New Player Help. We need to first get those empty slots filled before battling.

Click on the Item Shops menu button. The first shop listed is the FREE Items Shop. Click on that link. You are going to need the following amount of items to equip your character:
10 Offense Items (Weapons or Spells)
3 Expendable Items (Potions or Scrolls)
1 Mastery Item
1 Debuff Item
1 piece armor for each of these: Head, Chest, Arms, Legs, Feet, Hands
Jewelry for these places: 2 Earrings, 2 Fingers (rings), and 1 Amulet
Because there are only 20 inventory slots, you may run out of room before you finish getting everything you need. You can come back for the rest after equipping your items.

Next, click on the My Character button. This will default to the Inventory Manager. On this screen, you can equip your Offense items. Click the red Plus (+) Icon next to your items to move them to the equipped slots.

Once all Offense Items are equipped, click Expendables to equip those items, and so on throughout all your Inventory Slots. If you need more equipment to fill up your equipped slots, head back to the FREE Item Shop to get the rest.

Once your character is fully equipped, click the Battle button again. You should no longer see the Game Alert warning you to fill up Inventory Slots.
On the Battle page, click the Last Page button. This will take you to the page with players of your beginning level that you will have a better chance beating. Choose an opponent, and click Attack.

If you win the battle, you can see the battle log from the battle on the screen when you scroll down to evaluate what your character does. At the top, you will see a link to a Platinum Prize Code. This Prize Code is our system for awarding items and skills. If you lost the battle, you will see a Skill Prize Code. Click directly on that link to find out what you have won! If you have won an item, you may want to go to My Character and equip it to replace a basic FREE item. To remove something you already have equipped, simply click the Minus (-) Icon to take it off, and click the Plus (+) Icon beside the new item to equip it.

Everpoints (EP) is our currency in Everwars. EP is used to do nearly everything in the game. You will see a timer letting you know when you earn EP. Reading our Forums will tell you other ways you can earn EP. One way is by posting in the forums. Visit the EverWars FAQ and EverWars Newbies forums for help.

*Important: It costs 3 EP per battle. You are given 48 EP to start with. There is a two minute timer between battles. If you try to battle again immediately after a battle, it will cost you 10 EP to do so. There will be a warning letting you know if it will cost more EP than usual to battle. As the two minutes decreases, it costs less and less to battle, but to make that starting EP last as long as possible, wait until it only costs 3 EP to battle.

That’s it! Keep battling for more items and be sure to check the Forums and read some strategies to help you further develop your character!

There is a lot to do in Everwars so look around and see what you can find!

KayJay1971 08-05-2007 06:36 AM

Updated with more information.

Forum time (GMT) 07:14 PM

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