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Uzbeki 04-02-2009 09:30 PM

FileFront is NOT closing down!

FileFront will remain open, the recent news however was NOT an early April Fool's joke, instead the original founders purchased it and FileFront now stand as a independent company again:

"After learning about Ziff Davis Media's plan to suspend FileFront at the end of March, the original founders of FileFront made the decision to buy it back from Ziff Davis Media.

We're happy to announce to the gaming community that as of today, April 1st, 2009, FileFront is a completely independent company again and is no longer part of Ziff Davis Media. All previously suspended services should be active and working again. We thank Ziff Davis Media for their cooperation and willingness to keep the site and community alive.

Due to the very unfortunate timing of this event and related announcements on March 24th and April 1st (April Fool's Day), we'd like to make it perfectly clear that:

1) 1) The March 24th announcement about FileFront suspending its operation was NOT an early April Fool's joke.

2) This announcement about the original founders buying back FileFront from Ziff Davis Media is also NOT an April Fool's joke.

3) We're making this announcement on April 1st because the deal was completed today and we want to bring all services back online immediately.

4) We would NEVER suspend FileFront as an April Fool's joke.

5) We are happy to be back!..

.. Welcome home. Game On!"


Thats our trustworthy public mirror, back in action!


Read the full version of this news item on

Vandalist 04-02-2009 09:57 PM

HUZZAH! Thank the lord!

Hacky 04-06-2009 11:32 PM

Yeah but they still deleted the permanent movie links and all the stats! All my movies got delered and all my download stats too! I mean I don't care but, still, it kinda sux for other people if they need their links still.

Archius 04-13-2009 09:52 PM

If you are you are a free member of Filefront, I would say that you got nothing to compare about. If you're subscribing for Premium, I'd say you got reason to bitch around :)

Btcc22 04-14-2009 06:41 PM

Haven't noticed anything being deleted. :/

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