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-   -   LF ud frost mage vid featuring "Anberlin -Adelaide" and "The Used -I'm a Fake" (

Ognennyy 10-23-2012 04:26 AM

LF ud frost mage vid featuring "Anberlin -Adelaide" and "The Used -I'm a Fake"
This is a stab in the dark but oh well, worth a shot. I can't find the vid and it's driving me nuts. I'll give every detail I can remember.

He was an undead deep frost-specd mage, geared to the tooth in full arena gear, of whichever season was current at the time. I *believe*, but am not certain, the vid was released during WoTLK.

He was an engineer, and made very extensive use of engineering throughout the videos. There were many shots of him riding the chopper, and he loved using his engineering MC in fights.

The video featured Anberlin's "Adelaide", and "I'm a Fake" by The Used.

Much of the footage was him outside Stormwind killing alliance players, until they started GY camping him.

The only sequence I clearly remember is two characters - one DPS class and one healer - chasing him out away from the SW gates quite a bit toward Goldshire. Eventually he turns the tables on them and puts them in check to the point where the healer is just spamming heals trying to keep the DPS alive, but the mage's shatter combo crits eventually beat them out and he kills both of them.

Unfortunately I cannot remember a specific time frame of release, the mage's name, or the title of the video. This is driving me craaaaaaaaazy.

If this sounds familiar to anyone, plz shout!!


p.s. I'm slowly remembering more...
1) I'm almost positive he wasn't a native English speaker.
2) I may be confusing this one with someone else but w/e... in his last movie he talks about saying farewell to WoW, quitting, and selling his account. There is a sequence of him swimming down into water with the song "Calling to the Night" by Natasha Farrow playing.

Uzbeki 10-23-2012 02:53 PM

Any idea what server or region the movie was filmed on? We have about 1800 movies matching that time period, class and race. Do you remember if it had any rewards? Like recommendation or similar. Do you remember how many views it had? Was it over 10,000, over 50,000 or over 100,000 ?

Ognennyy 10-23-2012 04:49 PM

Talk about lucky...
Uzbeki thanks a ton for responding brother, I appreciate that. I've never met a server admin before who seemed to genuinely care like that.

Bad news: I couldn't remember those details you asked about :(
Good news: After hours and hours of looking through vids I got unbelievably lucky and stumbled upon my winner It's a mage named Rethen, and that was his "farewell" video (with said Natasha Farrow song at the end) in spite of his being on the armory, listed as active.

It's been so many years since I played, apparently many of my memories of my old fav vids got jumbled. He's not in the gear I thought he was in, and the mind control thing was a confusion on my part as well.

I forgot the best part of the video: the "Elwyn Forest Doomsquad" lol!!

Sorry for the "false alarm" with this post. I didn't think I'd ever find it by looking through the vids.

Uzbeki 10-25-2012 09:58 PM

Great! No worries! I am glad you find the video. :D It was actually on my shortlist of about 20 videos I could think of.

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