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kiahann 10-17-2006 03:17 PM

BC Screenshots and discussion *Revamped*
This is the new forum so I thought I would repost. my old thread for everyone
the site and the screen shots is made by carcass of guild RIP on garithos server.


I am in beta and the NDA is lifted. I would like to share my experiences and hopefully answer any of those curious questions you have. In the end it would be nice to let everyone in beta!

I'll start with screenies and some pros and cons.

- The Dark Portal is as cool as you thought it would be!!
- The Outland is huge, plenty of area to explore.
- There is plenty of content, lots of quests.
- The story is robust(you will see massive corpses of 'famous' lore)
- The mobs are very challenging.
- Each zone in the Outlands has some type of world PvP objective.
- Each new race has many subtle little things that make it cool. (Blood Elves have self sweeping brooms that just wander around cleaning the floors)
- Blood Elf racials a mana drain and a silence(well explore this more later)
- Loot is plentiful, sockets provide vast flexiblity
- Arena has massive potential(need more people in beta since there wasn't much going on right now)

- The flying mounts that are 150% speed are 5000g.
- The mob models are basically the same as the rest of WoW's models with new 'skin textures'.
- Lvl 60 basic mobs are difficult, feels like there needs to be balance here.
- Sockets are overwhelming. To some that like it simple, these sockets become to much.
- Loot is unbalanced. GREENs are better then some of today's instance EPICS. Example - Lvl 57 GREEN boots that had +19 spell damage AND healing, +19 int, AND + 14 Crit rating(no more Crit %) and the loot dropped off of a basic mob. There were blues linked in our beta guild that were better then Tier 2 Epic loot.
- The Mage Water Elemental talent is a big disappointment. It looks basic and doesn't lat long enough to be of any real help(45 sec)
- Mage Invisibility is to short to be really useful
- I have this 'fear' that once I've explored all of the Outland, which will be by the end of this weekend, I'll be saying 'that is not enough for me to continue on'. Which leads me into...
- It feels like the same grind, better gear, more sockets, more 'i'm better then you'. Now for some that just want content and care less about better then you, it will last for 2 months and you'll be done. For those that are gear crazy, it will be endless because of sockets.

- Full character creation videos are up for all genders, Blood Elf and Draenei.
- Blood Elves and Draenei Videos are up.
- Videos are now live..
- New PvP tab screenshot added.
- Videos going to FileFront for maximum quality on your media player.
- For Videos. Codec is a basic MPEG-4 Codec. It's XviD Codec, dll name xvidvlw.dll.
- Added Fraps Video of Arena, Logon, Dark Portal, and BG PvP Dressing Room
- Added screenshot of PvP Mount Vendor

Blizzard UI featureing the new looking for group tab. and more!
All this is made by jayne of guild Shadow Syndicate on Mug'thol Server!

UI Improvements And You

Blizzard typically has never been too proud to recognize when someone else has an idea better than what they’ve come up with. Over the nearly-two years that WoW has been live, they’ve occasionally adopted some features of the more popular UI Addons into the actual game interface—Scrolling Combat Text and CT Raid Assist to name the two most prominent.

It appears they’ve kept that up. In “Interface Options” you now can check a box labeled “Auto Self Cast,” which will make any helpful spells you cast without having a friendly player or NPC targeted automatically target yourself. Quite handy. There’s also a Blizzard-made enemy cast bar, which when checked lets you see what an enemy is casting right beneath their portrait. Pretty nifty.

By far the coolest (and I’d imagine most helpful) addition is a brand-spanking-new way of finding groups and parties. From a button down on your main menu, you can access it—and it’s pretty damn cool. There are two tabs, one for Looking For Group and one for Looking For More. You can select from a drop-down menu if you’re seeking a group for a Dungeon, Raid, Quest (any quests in your log), Zone, or Battleground. From there, you get a second drop-down menu for the specific area you’re interested in. Any parties in the LFM tab will then be able to see you. I’ve not had much time to play around with it, but it certainly looks sleek and is miles ahead of the old meeting stones.

Speaking of Battlegrounds—I found the Battlemasters in Silvermoon but noticed that there was no longer a Horde Warbringer to turn in Marks of Honor. However, when I stopped by the Alterac Valley camp, I noticed that in addition to selling items for various (Horde Symbol, representing honor gained) they would sell items—such as the Frostwolf Howler—for a certain number of Marks of Honor. Interesting.

Later on, I’d run into a Dwarf Warrior and kill him for 7 Honor (though to be fair, I didn’t do much damage to him under the effects of Resurrection Sickness and with a Hunter helping me, so that’s probably closer to the low end of Honor gain)… just to put things into perspective.

But enough of that. Outland, baby! The Dark Portal awaits us...

Here is a screen of a tamable pet for hunters

here is a picture of a dranei 1 male 1 female

Will update when I get more Info


Ragnorok161 10-17-2006 03:22 PM

Read this on the wow forrums but I looked at the Ui thing and WHAT is the Auto Loot feature? Does that change the bind key like Shift + Right click? Or can you press the key and auto loot O_o

kiahann 10-17-2006 03:25 PM

I'm pretty sure it's like the lookingforgroup tab/channel

How it still has the lookingforgroup channel but now they have a lookingforgroup tab.

i don't think it will bind i think you'll beable to choose whitch you perfer to use.

alg 10-17-2006 03:32 PM

Looks good. Remember that beta is for test thingys and fix them. Thank you for posting this.

kiahann 10-17-2006 03:40 PM

Yeah i know it's for testing :) i will update the fixes with the post when i update if i find out anything new. Just showin off BC to everyone :)

your welcome..glad to post this.

spyzkill3r 10-17-2006 04:36 PM

damn dude....when u use the dressing room u dnt have 2 keep turning ur char 360 degrees everytime u check out an armour or weapon geez

kiahann 10-17-2006 04:42 PM

Yep You don't :)

UPDATE: Pally's and Warlocks No longer get free mounts.

Dellmonty 10-17-2006 06:56 PM

nice! cant wait till BC coms out

Balgosa 10-17-2006 07:18 PM

i like the new hunter pet..although it looks a lot like the bats in Eastern Plaguelands with a different beak and color.

Auto-Loot is probably like the add-on that was made. when you click on something it doesnt just open the window, it throws everything in your inventory. so you dont have to click each item, you just loot everything when you click

Hentai 10-17-2006 07:51 PM

can you record a movie with new mage stuff( spells and atalents)

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