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Morpher 01-11-2012 08:35 AM

Vision in Razorfen Downs By Frêy
Hey guys.

The other day I recalled a song I havnt heard in ages and I recall I just loved it, so i've been hunting it for some time now without much luck. I do however know the title of a movie containing this very song im after.

The movie is called Vision in Razorfen Downs By Frêy as the title of the topic is named and is also to be found on but only viewable as premium member.

So my question to any of you gentle people out there. If you got a user or in any way know which song im talking about would you please help me out ?

Would be really appreciated, thanks.

Grim2345 09-19-2013 02:45 AM

Found the song
Hello mate, i encountered this thread while looking for the same song and since i found it i figured i would pop in and tell you the name of the song. Blackmore's Night - Shadow Of The Moon

Enjoy :)

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