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Ads won't stop replaying on stream and movie never starts
Category Unknown
Affected Version Unknown
Priority Unknown
Status Closed/Fixed (1 month premium)
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce Bug/Issue 4
Submitted 03-13-2010
Users unable to reproduce Bug/Issue 0
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issueid=499 03-13-2010 02:11 PM
Ads won't stop replaying on stream and movie never starts

Whenever i try to play a movie the ad starts in the begginning and it says 17 seconds till the movie starts and then when it is done the page refreshes and the advertisement starts again and does the same thing and the movie will never start. how can i fix this?

03-14-2010 06:15 AM
Same for me. Not sure whats wrong.
03-14-2010 02:17 PM
Same for me as well.. Any word as to when this will be fixed? I saw a post the other day saying "before" the weekend.
03-14-2010 07:01 PM
Same for me, This happens to me in both Chrome and Firefox. Email me when this is fixed.. until then ... you are dead to me warcraft movies. DEAD I SAY!
03-14-2010 07:41 PM
The Fuck Is Going On....
03-15-2010 12:27 AM
I have the same problem. I tried Chrome and IE.
03-15-2010 10:48 AM
It was a very very stupid javascript bug that caused all the problems for you which affected many of our US visitors . A fix was rolled out on Saturday but it only fixed part of the problem. Needless to say I was not very happy when I noticed all of this this morning. I immediately decided to pull the ad off the site and also look over some of the other ads that we run. A number of them bite the dust.

You can read a bit more about it here:

As a token of my deepest gratitude to all of you who have alerted us about this issue I would like to offer you a one month premium account upgrade. Most of you should already have received it by now. The language has been strong in this and other threads but sometimes it is called for.

Again, I am very very sorry for all the problems this weekend. We will do our best to turn this into something positive for you all. By putting the spotlight on the ad situation in general we will commence a complete overhaul of the ad inventory.
03-15-2010 11:06 AM
Wow, I've been so Jaded due to other sites adopting a "ho hum" approach to issues like this I was very surprised to see this problem addressed so quickly and with a gleefully adequate work around!

I hereby retract my previous comment..

"It LIVES!!!!"
This petition for a change to Awaiting Feedback is currently pending
03-17-2010 01:12 PM
Still not working for me:( from norway Norway here

I don't have a clue what this is tho. Error screen after pressing post message
Error on screen.
Fatal error:
Gedan has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in /includes/class_dm.php on line 765

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