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Whole Rating System Needs Revision
My suggestions for making current rating system more helpful
Category Website suggestion
Suggested Version Unknown
Priority 5 - Medium
Status In Progress
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Submitted 01-06-2008
Votes against this feature 0
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issueid=46 01-06-2008 11:21 AM
Whole Rating System Needs Revision
My suggestions for making current rating system more helpful

First we all like warcraftmovies.com. It's simply the best for WoW movies. But I think the current rating system sucks big time. For example what does creativity have to do with an arena movie ? or why an arena movie should be down rated because of bad music (Arena is about skill not music)?

Changing the current rating system completely doesn't seem like an option here since there are already more than 3000 rated movies, so the only way is modifying the current one. Here are my suggestions :

1- Video and Audio quality should be separated.

2- I think the only way to make the current rating system more realistic is having some category-related factors, like :

Music :

* Content Factor : 15
* Creativity Factor : 20
* Editing Factor : 15
* Video Factor : 10
* Audio Factor : 20

Arena :

* Content Factor : 20
* Creativity Factor : 1 (or even 0)
* Editing Factor : 10
* Video Factor : 15
* Audio Factor : 5

3- There must be a definition about what each category is about, like a page that describes what are important things in each category and what to expect from an [X] category movie. Of course no one will read it except a few but sooner or later the idea will spread among other members and they will know what to expect from each category (examples : 1- World pvp is about handling multiple opponents and high crits plus really fast kills and it's not about skill... 2- Arena pvp is about skill and it's not about high crits and entertainment... and so on). This one plus number 2 will decrease the effect of false rating (I'm really tired of seeing ppl down-rating an arena movie because it was boring and over-rating another one because the guy jumps all the time and music is good while they have no idea about the skill level of the player).

4- I really like the "Skill Point" idea but it's not completely practical yet. First, if I see more than 3 skilled players in a week I have to choose between them or rate next week (Memory fails hehe), Either way they are screwed :) . Second, SPs are not included in any section of the site except for the movie preview page meaning that you need to open the page to see how skilled is the player considering that he is not screwed because of the first issue :) . Some kind of SP-based search or at least a column for "SP" where you list all the movies will be great.

I believe these suggestions will make ratings more helpful and realistic.

Thank you for your great job. I've been using your website for more than a year now but the only reason I've registered was rating "Tales of The Past III". However it seems like now I'm deeply involved in this WoW movies stuff (WoW itself is addicting enough, now I'm also addicted to WoW movies. -----> Get a life. Desperate :) ).

01-18-2008 09:48 AM
We will be looked in to. We will not change

#1 - In any near future, this because we believe if we would separate A/V people would make personal judgement on a movie because they didn't like one song that in the whole picture worked perfectly, it's about voting on the combined element and what they did to the movie.

#2 - I don't really think there is any need to implement a system like this and people have the right to claim A/V quality and creativity on a arena and music video alike. We don't want to end up with raw Fraps material.

An implementation of #3 and #4 is around the corner and I'm glad it's been brought up so that we can push it forward on our ToDo list.

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