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Old 07-22-2007, 01:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Vandalist View Post
Okay so I've been reading around the net for a while, and i've been hesitant to post this because I wasn't sure it was true, until I asked blizzard myself in an e-mail.... and after a few weeks.. got a response.

From what I've read from websites and articles by blizzard and from what this e-mail kinda says..., World of Warcraft is only being supported by blizzard until mid-late 2008 or so. After that, they don't plan to do any other heavy updates on World of Warcraft. The reason for this is because they are putting their full efforts into a new game that is coming out around the same time, although I am still trying to figure out the name of the game or what type of game it is....

Anyways, I'm wondering if WoW is still worth it.. We give all our time, efforts, as well as $15+ a month ($16.23 for me lol), and for what? ::

1) Were all already 70 I assume.... cant level up anymore
2) We've all conquered every battleground.
3) We've all gotten our reputations to a satisfying point (for the most part).
4) We can't gear up much more than we are now.... Not really if you think about it.

In my opinion, the game is beaten... We've all beaten it, time and time again. The expansion came out, and we conquered that too. The fact of the point is, that this game is actually lacking content. Blizzard has always had incredible/amazing games, but been slow to update them.... So I guess i'm considering pulling the plug on WoW.....

any opinions?
Sounds like a wise idea... was a long time ago now wow came out... it's a good game but it all revolves around getting gear. Try something new

And about the new game they are developing I think they mean starcraft 3... which will be a big release.
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