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Old 12-15-2007, 07:36 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5
biotoxin is unknown at this point
Tired of the whining about frost mage movies

I have a movie that i was thinking about submitting but after seeing all the crying about "OMG NOT ANOTHER FROST MAGE MOVIE" it makes me think twice about posting it here.

I know every one of the "critics" compares frost mages to vurtne like he's some god. Ya he's a very skilled mage but do you ever see him playing as fire or even arcane/fire? No. The reason is frost has the best survivability of any tree. Thats noone's fault but blizzard for making mages that way. I can bet that most of the people that downrate good frost movies dont even play a mage. They just down rate because they watch a lot of bad frost mage movies.

So until blizz fixes mages to have more surviability outside the frost tree i suggest those of you that down rate frost movies to just shut your hole because frost is here to stay.
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