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Old 05-15-2009, 02:30 PM   #1
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Voice actor recruitment: The Palest Horse (western/action)

As of today, the auditions for The Palest Horse are closed. I wish to thank everyone who auditioned!

The people chosen for the roles will be contacted via e-mail with further information.

It has finally come the time for me to film a longer, plotline machinima with voice actors and all.

This machinima to be, called THE PALEST HORSE has been written by a professional screenwriter going by the alias Von Klausur.

TPH will be an action-filled story with a western setting. It takes place in a town named Big Tomb (represented by Gadgetzan).

One day, a shadowy figure - the lead character Ashen comes to the town seeking to revenge her murdered family.

The murderer is the city's Mayor who lives in an inpenetrable air fortress above the city. The only way to get to the Mayor is to participate in the dueling tournament where fierce duelists face one on one in locations all around the world.

My goal is to create a kick-ass, action and adrenaline filled machinima. I will use both in-game filming and compositing via After Effects to achieve this goal. The script is 46 pages long - my estimate for the lenght of this machinima is somewhere between 30 and 50 minutes. It's as long or short as it needs to be.

I do not have any release date estimates for this, I hope to start and finish the movie during the ongoing year.

And now, to the voice acting part!

This is important - please send your sample to both me AND Von Klausur (just add two e-mail addresses in the fields of your mailing program / service). It's the best way for us to get the voices from you and discuss about them.

The e-mail addresses for the voice lines are:
baronsoosdon ( a ) gmail DOT com
creepsville ( a ) gmail DOT com

Send the sample in MP3 format, 128kbps 44.1khZ 16bit format.

Use the following file naming: YourName_Charactername_Linenumber.mp3 (for example TomCruise_Ashen_01.mp3)


Character Name: Ashen

Role: Lead
Race: Blood Elf (undead)

Description: A blood elf on a journey for vengeance to avenge her fallen family. Ashen's target is The Mayor and she aims to put a bullet to his head no matter the cost.

Her voice is smooth, cold, and heavy with mystery. She must sound strong and confident and a bit indifferent in her tone at times, but as the story plays out we get to see and hear her more emotional side. Think ice, strength, smoothness, and a woman truly scorned. Think Lucy Lu on a bad day.

Sample Line #1:
(talking with Albano about the upcoming competition)
"Don’t worry, Albano. All I need to do is win the Quickdraw competition tomorrow and the Mayor will come to me."

Sample Line #2:
(getting ready to have a big face off with a big bad guy)
“The plague may have taken me, but you forget I’m still a Blood Elf. I can still soak up your magic like a sponge.”


Character Name: Archibane

Role: Supporting
Race: Human (mage)

Description: Archibane is the Sheriff and Law Enforcer of Big Tomb. He makes sure that no one uses magic while in the town.

Imagine a classic gruff Texas sheriff and you have Archibane. Strong sounding though - think George Clooney goes west or Burt Reynolds.

Sample Line #1:
(introducing the rules to the contestants at the beginning of the tournament)
“For each fight, you shall be warped by me into a random battle environment. Shoot to kill ladies and gents. Give no quarter to those you fight against, as they shall give none to ye. I bid ye luck and great fortune.”

Sample Line #2:
(welcoming Ashen into Big Tomb, he has just appeared out of nowhere (teleported) in front of her)
“With the weather and all, you might have missed our sign out front. We have an ordinance. All who enter Big Tomb have to turn in their magic temporarily to me. We don’t want no trouble, so please kindly...hand it over.”


Character Name: The Mayor

Role: Villain
Race: Dwarf

Description: The Mayor does not have an actual name in the movie. He rules Big Tomb with an iron fist from his great sky fortress (the model of Alliance warship in Icecrown), hovering above the town.

Imagine a tough, deep, grimy Dwarf voice minus the Scottish accent and instead with a southern accent.
Not overly southern, but the accent is there. Think Sean Connery was raised in Texas.

Sample Line #1:
(classic situation – he’s telling his evil masterplan to Ashen)
“But hear me out... . The Alliance, a bunch of humans and elves, and
the Horde, Orcs and cursed Trolls, were never going to stop fighting -- even if they had a common enemy. So instead, make them have a common trait.”

Sample Line #2:
(smoking a cigar on the deck of his Air Fortress)
“Ah, a Horde scouting zeppelin checking in on us. Why can’t the armies of the Horde or Alliance see that not all of us want to be part of their government? Their civil war?”


Character Name: Barkeep

Race: Tuskarr

Description: A typical gentleman. Smooth and friendly. Not southern sounding. An older male voice preferred.

Sample Line #1:

(serving beer to Ashen in the bar)
“I guess it figures. A pale horse like you would turn down a chance to win a fist full o’ gold -- and a chance to shake the
hand of our Mayor.”

Sample Line #2:
(answering to Ashen why no one can not enter the Mayor’s air fortress)
"I don’t care if you’re Ragnaros,or Arthas - you’re not getting in unless he wants you in. No one gets to him. He gets to you. Remember that, but like I said before the winner of thequickdraw competition gets to meethim personally. He hands over a nice wad of coinage. It’s pretty damn near the only public event you’ll ever see him do."


Character Name: Male Deputy

Role: side character
Race: Undead (Forsaken)

Description: Typical, Undead voice, with a bit of a british accent.

Sample Line #1:
(after being seriously asskicked by Ashen)
“What kind of trick was that, you fiendish wench?"


Character Name: Female Deputy

Role: side character
Race: Undead (Forsaken)

Description: Typical, Undead voice, with a bit of a british accent.

Sample Line #1:
(walking behind Ashen in the Bar)
“We’re here to take ya in."


Character Name: Clovis the Slickfinger

Race: Blood Elf

Description: British and confident sounding, yet comedic and sly. Think Rupert Evert from back in the day.

Sample Line #1:
(in the tournament, waiting for his turn and trying to guess Ashen’s motives)
“Your silence is one of three things: You’re nervous, and keeping quiet hides that. You’re a fool, and you don’t want anyone to know so you keep shut. Or you know that you’re the best here, so you don’t need to bother getting to know
anyone that you’re about to kill.”
Movies by me: [ at Warcraftmovies ] [ at YouTube ]

"WTF? plz stop and get a life !"
-Comment on Unlimited Escapism vol. 2 by Xah

Blog @ http://www.baronsoosdon.com
(Latest ramblings and information about my upcoming movies.)

IRC - #machinima @ Quakenet
Newbies and pros are welcome!

Last edited by soosisti : 06-08-2009 at 04:46 PM.
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:31 PM   #2
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Character Name: Gale the Trapper

Race: Vrykul

Description: A huge mountain man voice. Think of an angry giant.

Sample Line #1:
(taunting Drumon on the dueling area, just before their battle starts)
“So many places to place traps – so little time... come out come out Drumon! Ah! Look at the hide on you! I bet you a shiny silver that I could make a bundle off of the hide of aTaunka legend like yourself. Or just a nice throw rug - whatever comes first...”


Character Name: Rubio the Hail

Race: Undead (forsaken)

Description: Imagine that you've gargled razor blades. Now you can talk like Rubio. He's hoarse and sounds extra threatening compared to other Forsaken.
Sample Line #1:
(while fighting Ashen on the dueling area): “I’ve been waitin’ on ye. Look at you -- so full of vengence.
You could care less about the gold.”


Character Name: Drumon the Brute

Race: Taunka

Description: The deepest cavern of a voice you'll ever hear. He is a noble warrior.
Imagine Barry White was raised by native american indians.

Sample Line #1:
(greeting Ashen on the Dueling area)
“I am honored to finally meet you. It will not matter which of us falls, because the wind tells me that today is a good day to die. If I must walk the narrow path today and join them then on the endless hunt, then so be it.”


Character Name: Fizzlynn the Artillery

Race: Gnome

Description: Cute, little, and deadly - her voice is as Kirsten Dunst as a gnome.

Sample Line #1:
(upon entry to her and Clovis’ dueling place – the Geysers at Borean Tudnra)
“Ah, the Hell Geysers. Lovely. The water from these is hot enough to melt steel.”


Character Name: Ruby the One Shot

Race: Human

Description: Imagine Selma Hayek playing a sexy villain.

Sample Line #1:
(introducing herself to Ashen at the ravines near Orgrimmar or Thousand Needles)
“I am Ruby the One Shot, and I am giving you a chance. Instead of killing you now, I will find a nest and set up my gun. But
I warn you: once I find you in my scope -- I never miss.”


Character Name: Winters the Ice Razor

Race: Blood Elf

Description: A playful voice. Sarcastic. Think Sarah Michelle Gellar from her Buffy days.

Sample Line #1:
(talking to Archibane while he has just come to the scene in order to arrest her for magic use)
There are rules here? I thought this was Big Tomb? Where the armies of the Horde and Alliance can’t reach.”


Character Name: Sithlekk the Toxin

Race: Naga

Description: Imagine Jenifer Tilly gone insane...as in Bride of Chucky.

Sample Line #1:
((taunting Ashen while dueling)
“Every corpssse I’ve left behind tries to believe that in their heart.”


Character Name: Tinkerton

Race: Gnome

Description: Tinkerton has the bad habit of having things come out of his mouth before thinking. He has pink hair...imagine a loud mouthed hilarious annoying gnome voiced by Russell Brand.

Sample Line #1:
(talking to the Barkeep about the Mayor’s ruling over Big Tomb)
“No, I mean, at what cost does the mayor keep this town in his little
Dwarvish palm –“

Sample Line #2:
(questioning the expression “fist full of gold” while Toothkin is announcing things about the contest)
“Only a fist full? That doesn’t sound like a lot...”
Movies by me: [ at Warcraftmovies ] [ at YouTube ]

"WTF? plz stop and get a life !"
-Comment on Unlimited Escapism vol. 2 by Xah

Blog @ http://www.baronsoosdon.com
(Latest ramblings and information about my upcoming movies.)

IRC - #machinima @ Quakenet
Newbies and pros are welcome!
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:32 PM   #3
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Character Name: Albano

Race: Tuskarr

Description: A kind father figure to Ashen. Imagine a Latino accent for him. He's kind and careful.
Perhaps Cheech Marin if he were to play a more serious role.

Sample Line #1:
(having just seen Ashen kicking the ass of two Deputies at Big Tomb, he’s worried)
"Deputies. You had to do that to the deputies. Now they’ll be on you like ants on honey."

Sample Line #2:
(continued from the previous line)
"Low profile, we said. I didn’t patch you up just so you could go get yourself killed again."


Character Name: Omennius the Phantom Hand

Race: Night Elf

Description: Think Clive Owen plays a Night Elf.

Sample Line #1:
(preparing to duel Clovis): “The question to which there currently is no answer is: Who is faster? Care to help me answer it?”


Character Name: Toothkin

Race: Goblin

Description: Not your high voiced type Goblin, but more of the tough, all business voiced Goblin. He's the commanding
voice of an announcer but with a dash of madness. Imagine an announcer at a sporting event who has gone insane and you
have Toothkin.

Sample Line #1:
(announcing the contest outside Big Tomb to the audience)
"Is today not a lovely day for a shooting? I bid ye welcome, to the 13th annual Fist Full O’ Gold Quickdraw competition!"


Character Name: Gromoth

Race: Orc

Description: NA thug of an Orc. I imagine him as played by Clancy Brown.

Sample Line #1:
(drinking in the bar, talking to the human, syrenar)
"At least I can see that the forces of the Horde and Alliance need to fight against a common foe."


Character Name: Syrenar

Race: Human

Description: A bruiser of a man, a hard headed drunk. His voice is like that of Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday from the
movie Tombstone.

Sample Line #1:
(drinking in the bar, talking to Gromoth)
"And the Horde will save us? Orcs? Trolls? The Forsaken, undead? As if anyone would just sit by idly and let them ruin the world."
Movies by me: [ at Warcraftmovies ] [ at YouTube ]

"WTF? plz stop and get a life !"
-Comment on Unlimited Escapism vol. 2 by Xah

Blog @ http://www.baronsoosdon.com
(Latest ramblings and information about my upcoming movies.)

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Old 06-08-2009, 04:45 PM   #4
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Auditions are closed.
Movies by me: [ at Warcraftmovies ] [ at YouTube ]

"WTF? plz stop and get a life !"
-Comment on Unlimited Escapism vol. 2 by Xah

Blog @ http://www.baronsoosdon.com
(Latest ramblings and information about my upcoming movies.)

IRC - #machinima @ Quakenet
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Old 04-02-2010, 05:18 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by soosisti View Post

Auditions are closed.

Oh God! Its really closed........... ops my friend wants to be a part of it. She is crazy about it. When it will reopen?
botham <an IT expert now>
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Old 10-01-2010, 04:50 AM   #6
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Nice post.
642-902 , 70-646 , 70-649 , 70-642
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