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Old 10-30-2006, 06:19 PM   #41
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Seems alot of people found this thread helpfull since this is the only thread I receive good ratings from, hopefully it'll prove more helpfull each friday. It's usually one big update each 2nd friday.Next one should be something good.... *waits and dreams*
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Old 11-03-2006, 04:39 PM   #42
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Friday Update 03/11 - New Screenshots

This week we release four brand new screenshots showing off one of the games locations in the shape of some ancient ruins.

You can find the new images in the screenshot gallery

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Old 11-10-2006, 04:38 PM   #43
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New Concept Art and Fan Site exclusives - Nov 10, 2006

Warriors, thieves, priests and mages are not the only citizens of Hyboria. This week we take a look at some concept work focused around defining the costumes of the everyday characters you will meet in the gameworld.

You can find the new images here in our concept art gallery.

Also keep an eye on the Age of Conan fansites over the weekend as we have sent out a series of these images to some of the sites for them to feature that continue the theme, and show you a little more of what the characters might be wearing when you get to walk the lands of King Conan!
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Old 11-17-2006, 04:45 PM   #44
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Behind the Scenes #5 - Beta progress - Nov 17, 2006

This week we take a look at how beta feedback shapes and improves the gameplay experience and development process.

In this weeks update we wanted to go through some ot the process of change that goes hand in hand with the beta schedule. As you all know we are now in closed Beta internally, and we thought it would be interesting for people to hear about what we are working on and what is changing as we move through the beta process!

This time we take a look at how feedback has affected the work on the games opening on the Island of Tortage.

As you all know Beta is a time of finalization and changes, and as we see it the changes are for the better as it’s based on feedback from people actually playing the game. Like everywhere else in life change is unavoidable as no amount of planning, design documents or ceremonial sacrifices to the gods of game development will prevent your prized creation being subject to some alterations.

As a developer you always know that it’s coming, even if you don’t admit it, and doing changes is almost like one of those ‘unspoken truths’ of development that designers like to pretend won’t happen to them but is inevitable. (The devs don’t really fear change; it’s actually a good process, as ideas on paper might not always translate as well into real life. It sounds so much more impressive though when you picture it as some kind of mysterious evil entity that stalks the halls of our offices looking for some unwary dev to pounce on!)

Luckily in actual fact it isn’t such an evil entity and the changes brought on aren’t all about removing things, but more about reacting to the feedback we get and tweaking or improving the experience the player will have in the game.

So what have we been looking at with this beta feedback in hand? Today we wanted to take a look at how the beta feedback has affected the way we integrate the single player elements into the game and tying this into the greater journey players take into the big wide world of the multiplayer Hyboria.

Allowing players to establish themselves and learn the game in a solo campaign has always been the plan for the first twenty levels, and we always had a mind for how we would weave the multiplayer world into that experience. It still is, very much so, but after learning more about how this experience ties into the core MMO experience we have ended up in a direction that we believe will make for a more engaging experience for the player.

The chance to tell a great story, the players ‘destiny quest’ has always been the focus for this section of the game and we have been delighted with how testers have reacted to being able to experience such a story driven mechanic in an MMO environment, but we also want to ensure the blend between the single-player elements and MMO experience was as seamless as possible, and wasn’t an abrupt interruption of the play experience. The question was how to achieve that!

We always wanted players to want see more fellow players earlier in the experience. That we expected and planned for, we had laid out some communal areas where players would meet each other at certain points of the experience. The original thought though was for these to be more social areas and not really do have any real co-op gameplay elements.

It was soon apparent though from testing that this could be improved upon. While players were greatly enjoying the solo elements they also itched to tie up with other players through more than just drunken brawling and social interaction.

So we were faced with a slight dilemma, we certainly didn’t want to dilute the solo elements and the story of the players Destiny quests, but we also wanted to find a way to allow players to experience a more true MMO experience a little earlier.

In doing that though we also had to be sure though to not force the players into co-op game play, as we also didn’t want to water down the appeal of the ‘personal’ journey to level twenty!

So what to do with the Tortage island section suddenly became a new kind of challenge! How to get the best of both worlds? After locking the design team away in meetings for a while (the Game Director will neither confirm or deny the use of any potentially dangerous motivational tools!) they came up with a solution that we feel is ingenious and ‘fitting’.

So what was the solution? Now when players get to Tortage during the day, you will see other players around, and you will be able to group with them if you want and do areas and dungeons on a small team level. This is optional though, it was very important for us that even in adding co-op gameplay to this area the entire experience remains soloable!

Then as night creeps forth you will be sent off on the next legs of your personal quest in a pure single player environment again. The night time sequences are triggered by visiting a bed in an Inn , which we felt was a good, and natural, mechanic to use as people would be familiar with it from many single player RPGs. These sections allow the story to continue and the ‘destiny’ quests to play out for each individual player.

The solution has allowed us to keep the first few levels intact exactly as we originally planned as the players quest to seek access to the town at the centre of life in Tortage, but after we get there we have added more co-op gameplay elements than we originally envisioned to give players the option of seeking help with certain stages of the single-player experience should they want to.

So the daytime sections allow you to level up either alone, or in a small team, in order to progress to the next main section of your destiny quest. While at night you are always completely on your own, in and around the environs of Tortage.

We felt that this evolution of the original intention means that players get a better, more flexible and more social experience during the solo campaign (should they wish) and as we are now getting ever closer to the final iterations we think we have found the right way to integrate the different styles of gameplay. Getting that blend of both worlds is something we have really been striving for, and hopefully all of our players will agree on our choice once they can get their hands into the final product!

These changes have allowed us to improve the gameplay experience based on real input from real people, people who love MMO games. With Age of Conan we have set out to provide some unique MMO game experiences, of which the single player start is one. So with this new approach think it offers the best options for the players and has been reshaped to become something better and more involving then what we originally designed, and at the end of the day that is what matters most.
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Old 11-17-2006, 04:54 PM   #45
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Finally a good update!

this sounds awsome, probably will take alot of programming, and bug fixes. But a good idea nevertheless.
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Old 11-17-2006, 07:32 PM   #46
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Thats pretty cool
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Old 11-26-2006, 10:31 PM   #47
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awsome post
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Old 11-27-2006, 11:13 AM   #48
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The Conall's Valley conflict

- Nov 24, 2006
In the hash land of Cimmeria, a struggle between the Vanir and the native Cimmerians is taking its toll on the rugged lands of Conall's Valley. And you can participate!

In the wild and cold lands of northern Cimmeria, at the foot of the mighty mountain known as Ben Morgh, there is a valley torn apart by ages of conflict and war. The claws of time and the teeth of ice has cut a deep rift into the earth here, creating a place known as Conall’s Valley, sheltered by towering walls of solid stone and sharp rocks. This is where a tribe of proud Cimmerians have found their home -- and their calling -- as they strive to keep their small settlement out of the cold clutches of the savage Vanir who continually tries to breach their wooden walls in order to reach Broken Leg Glen that lies beyond the valley, somewhere to the west. At the eastern end of the great rift lies the entrance to the dreaded Field of the Dead, and Vanir have set up numerous encampments throughout the valley, leaving this small Cimmerian settlement the last defense between the Vanir of the valley and the Cimmerian village of Broken Leg Glen.

In Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, players can choose to be either spectators or participants in the conflict between the Cimmerians and the Vanir. As the player follows the windy path that takes them down the mountainside from Broken Leg Glen in the west, the modest Cimmerian settlement will slowly emerge from depth of the valley floor. A long palisade of wooden poles and spikes can be seen at the eastern side of the settlement, and as a player you won’t have to go far outside these protective walls before the corpses of slain Cimmerians and Vanir can be seen littering the bloodstained battlegrounds of Conall’s Valley. Depending on your alignment or where your alliance lie, you may be disgusted by this sight and vow to use your sword, bow or magic if that is what is needed to assist the Cimmerians in battle. The opportunity will definitively arise!

"Once in a while -- and the player will see this happen randomly -- a computer-controlled Vanir hornblower will emerge from a tent in the Vanir camp to sound the attack on the fortified Cimmerian settlement," says Content Designer Thorbjørn Olsen at Funcom.

When the hornblower has sounded his horn, a stream of determined Vanir will pour out from the woods and attack the settlement. Computer-controlled Cimmerians will do their best to fight off the attackers, but as Olsen explains, the Vanir may very well overtake the defenders and storm into the village. The Vanir will most likely attack with melee weapons, while the Cimmerians are more prone to manning the palisades and fending them off with ranged weapons before they get too close. The players present in the valley can choose to be involved in the fight or they can choose to distance themselves from the conflict and simply watch from afar as the battle unfolds -- though a true Cimmerian player might have trouble shutting out the horrors and sufferings of his or her fellow countrymen! The game will not force you to do anything you do not want to do.

"When walking around in Conall’s Valley, players are wise to keep their eyes open and be weary about where they step. We’ve added a lot of hidden encounters here, with Vanir and other enemies that may ambush you on the road," explains Olsen.

You see, the ongoing battle between the Vanir and the Cimmerians is not the only thing players must be mindful of when they journey through Conall’s Valley. The area of the valley is gigantic, and players will be able to explore the woods of the valley floor or even climb the slopes of the mountain and brave whatever dangers that lurk above the cloud cover. Olsen explains the depth of this experience in vivid detail, and tells a story of how even the sound designers have stepped in to make the experience as lifelike as possible by having howling winds going past the player’s ears when they are high up in the mountain, while the rustling sounds of an inhabited forest dominates the lower parts of the valley. The heavy foliage of this forest can be inviting in its visual appeal, but true dangers lurk behind every leaf – the developers have put in place a system that allows the designers to spawn ambushes, where a hungry wolf or a prowling bear might jump the player at any time. But the system is clever, taking the attributes and experience of the character into consideration as the ambush is triggered when the player walks too close.

"Players will have to be mindful of bushes and big rocks! It is quite possible that something dangerous might be lurking in such places, and players might want to stay away from heavy foliage when traveling unless they want a nasty surprise," says Olsen.

Indeed, life in Conall’s Valley is as dynamic as it is violent. The designers are also working towards having a natural wildlife within the valley, where animals hostile to each other may also attack one another -- even without the influence of a player. You might be walking along the forest path, minding your business, when you suddenly spot a moose being felled by a vicious wolf or even a pack of wolves. In Age of Conan, all enemies have a sense of smell, hearing and even eyesight -- so be watchful as you approach any such battle, the creatures might decide to engage you instead if you come too close. Such is the dynamic nature of not only Conall’s Valley but also Age of Conan in general. The developers are trying very hard to create a believable world where every action has a reaction -- and that means not only the actions of your own character!

But Conall’s Valley is more than just beautiful vistas, dangerous forests and an age-old conflict between two rivaling factions. Upon journeying through the valley, the player might stumble upon numerous quests that are not just given out by important characters, but are also being revealed from just exploring. As Olsen explains, one might stumble upon something in the game world that triggers a quest. For instance, the Cimmerians find that being captured by the enemy is the greatest of humiliations. When in battle, they often hide their women and children in their huts and homes before they head out to the battlefield. If they see they are fighting a losing battle, it is known among Cimmerians that they might run back and kill their wife and children themselves before the enemies can do so. Olsen explains that at one point in the game, the player might come across a spear stuck in the wall of some once-inhabited hut where such an event has took place, and a quest is spawned, urging the player to revenge the fallen warrior and his family.

"Conall’s Valley is a place heavy with lore. Take for instance Kern Wolfeye, a character that we’ve taken directly from the literature connected with the Conan license. He’s in there, and that adds a lot to the experience in Age of Conan," says an enthusiastic Olsen.
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Old 12-03-2006, 12:52 PM   #49
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Concept Art Update

- Dec 01, 2006
This week we take a look into the Stygian culture will be represented in Age of Conan with a look at some of the great concept art prepared for the clothes and armors you will find in the region.

There are five new images added to the gallery today showing a range of Stygian armor inspirations. From clothing the refined and sensual curves of their mysterious women to displaying the ornate grandeur of the finest Stygian armor, our artists constantly strive to capture the essence of the Stygia that comes across so vividly in Howard's descriptions of the dangerous desert kingdom.

"These type of images serve as both guide and instruction for our 3D artists creating the armor and clothing, but also serve as important inspiration for the kind of atmosphere that we want to create for these areas", explains Assistant Art Director Grant Regan, "players should be able to get lost in the worlds we create and that drives through everything we try and do with our art direction. The artists have to convey in these images how we want the experience of walking around Stygia to feel - that is no small feat in itself!"

The images today show a selection from the Stygian concepts we have produced to inspire the armor and items you will be able to collect in Age of Conan. Whilst working within the Stygian theme there is still more then enough room for some great diversity in how their armor looks! These examples come from various different tiers of the armor ranges and types and show how the inspiration of Howard's Stygia can be used to create many distinctly Stygian but different looks.

You can find the gallery here
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Old 12-12-2006, 07:55 PM   #50
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New screenshots

- Dec 08, 2006
This week we bring you six more screenshots from Age of Conan. Take a look at how a Stygian slave galley looks like from the inside, or get a dramatic view from a Guardian fighting a horde of Vanirs!

This weeks update is a visual one. We've uploaded six new screenshots to the web site, showing off different elements and locations with Age of Conan.

Take a look at them in the screenshots section of the site.

Have a good weekend!
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