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Old 07-21-2007, 09:15 PM   #1
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GUIDE:Rendering with Sony Vegas 6 / 7 *Please read*

this started out as a post just to answer some questions in this forum, but I got carried away and let myself go with it... so I figured i'd post it in a seperate topic.

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=== Rendering an acceptable size/quality movie with Sony Vegas 6 or 7 ===
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If your rendering it with Sony Vegas... once the movie is ready, render with these steps:

Step: 1) Go to File.

Step: 2) Select Render As.

Step: 3) Your best bet for this try (u can experiment with other types later) is to set the file type to AVI. It will be listed as: Video for Windows (AVI)

Step: 4) Now where it says template, were not going to use their templates, although they are good, theres one for better size and high quality. So click Custom to the right of it.

This is where it gets tricky so pay attention:

Step: 5) You'll see 3 tabs at the bottom: Project, Video, Audio.

Step: 6) What you need to do is start on the Project tab, you'll see an option called Video Rendering Quality: This is your quality. The higher the quality, the higher the file size will be, but I recommend using Best anyways, most people do, and the movie size will still stay pretty low.

Step: 7) Now move to the Video tab. Even more tricky here;

Step: 8) Find where it says Video Format. There is a LOT of formats, I highly recommend using Divx; its labeled DivX(R) 6.6.1 Codec (1 Logcal CPU) or something close to it. You do NOT want the Decoder of Divx, you want the Codec. It might be a different version # or whatever.

NOTE) If you do not have DivX, get it, trust me you want it, its the highest quality and best software and codecs you could get for movie making.

Step: 9) Once you slect the codec, you should be fine, HOWEVER, there is a few more options you can mess with, like the Interleave.... it improves the quality of your video, at the cost of much slower rendering process, and higher file size... so its something to keep in mind, for now dont worry about it.

Step: 10) Look up now, you'll see an option called Frame rate: This option is what it says it is, teh frame rate control. I recommend 29.970 (NTSC) if this option is available for you. If it is not, try to find something close to it, NTSC is best if you have that option, if not find a close frame rate.

------FAQ)Can I Go higher than 29 frame rate? Answer is yes, you can, again its going to effect the file size of your movie, but the movie will be higher quality, you can go double ntsc if you wish, but remember that if you fraps'd at Half-Size with a low fps, then going double ntsc might actually kill some quality rather than give you some. If you frapsed full size with a high fps, then go for it, the quality will be outstanding.

Step: 11) What about Frame Size? I wouldn't touch it, it should be fine for whatever video clips you started putting into sony vegas. However, you can always change the frame size if you wish, that changes the actual size of the movie screen your watching. Once again though, higher frame size means a higher file size and slower rendering, but could mean higher quality if you frapsed high enough.

Step: 12) Audio tab, LEAVE IT ALONE. Unless you know what your doing with Hz settings and the bit depths and channels of the sound waves, leave it alone... The sound should be absolutly fine, besides people don't really look for super high sound quality, they wanna see you go own face in a pvp video... erm.. they want to see the high quality video

Step: 13) now save your settings by going to teh top of the window where it says Template. Type in an name, any name, like "wow video settings" and press the disk save button.

Step: 14) Now press ok to exit that window and go back to the render save window.

Step: 15) Select those settings if they arn't already selected in the Template and press ok.

NOTE WHEN RENDERING) If your computer is a beast (fast motha) then feel free to do it whenever you please, but dont expect to be able to do much like play wow while its rendering. - If your computer kinda sucks, I recommend letting it render while you go away, such as going to school or work or out wherever... let it render then... BUT TURN OFF YOUR SCREENSAVER. - A screensaver running in the background can hinder the rendering performance, also so can a high scale program thats writing to the drive, such as WoW, limewire, so on. Any small programs should be fine, but remember, you render faster if your computer has more of it's memory accessable to use.

Step: 16) Wahalaa! You now have a divx AVI movie rendered. The quality should be decent or better, and the size should be acceptable now. Go watch your movie and make sure it all rendered correctly and that it's all set.

Step: 17)Anyone with a Divx codec can watch this movie (probably about 95% of the internets population has this, so no worries, a majority of warcraftmovies.com movies have this or similar codecs, so go upload it and have a ball!)

STAGE6 Uploading Tip: *Removed* [ Goodbye stage 6 ]

But thats for another topic, enjoy your movie!

Last edited by Vandalist : 04-20-2008 at 07:36 PM.
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